It’s great to be in charge of my own time! Working for myself has been an incredibly fulfilling and exhilarating experience! Doing what I believe in and being able to make decisions about my work that are in line with my values, is a very rewarding way to live.
Not so blissful?
Not everything about being a solo entrepreneur is rosy. Sometimes we get so caught up in our businesses, that we loose track of ourselves. Sometimes we bring old habits from the 9-5 workforce that don’t serve us well. Sometimes juggling the office in the home means you get squished just as if you were trying to juggle two buildings overhead!
What about YOU?
To have the kind of business you’re dreaming of requires a working environment that supports you and helps you flourish. In short, you have to take yourself into consideration and intentionally create an environment that works best for YOU.
Looking for a place to start?
Here are some questions to help:
#1 What does your dream business look like?
What part of your business or kind of work do you most enjoy? Writing, problem solving, serving, calculating, organizing….
What kind of work would you prefer someone else to do on your behalf?
#2 What is your most productive time of the day?
How can you structure your day/week so that you can do your most creative work when you’re at your most productive (leaving the activities that require less brain power or creativity for your less ‘bright’ moments)?
Which activities can you batch to increase efficiency and focus? For example:
Can you batch your administrative tasks for a certain time of the day, week or month?
Can you schedule blocks of uninterrupted productive and creative time?
#3 What works best for you: tight or open-ended deadlines?
Could setting a voluntary deadline on a task, a project or the end of the day help you focus when you would otherwise be tempted to keep working and working and working?
Alternatively, do you need to build in a little extra time in your estimates to reduce your stress levels?
#4 On a scale of 1 – 10, how well are you looking after yourself?
Are you sleeping well, eating well, laughing often and exercising regularly?
What can could you do on a weekly basis to rest and rejuvenate yourself?
#5 Do you work better in a quiet space on your own or with others around you?
Could getting a baby sitter or heading to a coffee shop help you concentrate for 2 hours?
Could you bring a creative team of friends and business builders together for a brainstorming session to help you focus and fast-forward your ideas?
#6 Do you hit the ground running or do you take a while to find your focus every day?
What do you do for the last five minutes of your working day / week?
Could creating a list of priorities at the end of the day or week help you find your feet more quickly and easily in the morning?
What to do, what to do?
Of all these thoughts, what are the top three ideas that you can implement this week to create a more tailored to you, sustainable, work environment? Take a few minutes and write them down.
Now is the time!
Creating a business that you love, is vitally important for your long-term success. Implementing any one or all of your ideas from this list of questions will help you turn your real business into your dream business. Start TODAY!
Would you like to boost your income with a business designed around your strengths and passions? Are you looking for economical ways to grow or market your solo-entrepreneurial, home or service based business?