Tag Archives: Dreams

The 4 Types of People You’ll Need to Turn Thought Leadership Dreams into Reality

Amy Rosenberg September 5, 2021 So you’ve decided to become a thought leader. Congratulations! Now, if you’ll all form an orderly line to my left, you can begin signing your official CNBC contributor paperwork. At station B, literary agents from Random House, Hachette and Macmillan are prepared to offer competitive bids for your book proposals, … Continue reading The 4 Types of People You’ll Need to Turn Thought Leadership Dreams into Reality

3 Growth Hacking Mistakes That Can Kill Your Startup Dreams

Liesha Petrovich — May 18, 2017 Follow @lieshapetrovich— May 18, 2017 Everyone makes mistakes in business. Sometimes you make stupid mistakes like choosing a logo like this: And sometimes you make a really bad mistake like Blockbuster, who had multiple opportunities to buy Netflix. Blockbuster executives laughed at the idea of owning an online streaming … Continue reading 3 Growth Hacking Mistakes That Can Kill Your Startup Dreams

2 Powerful Strategies for Starting Up and Transforming Dreams into Reality

by Ahmad Raza June 8, 2016 Follow @ThisIzSpartaJune 8, 2016 Start-Up is a word that makes me cringe. It brings back memories of long, sleepless nights, hoping that my investment of time and resources would pay off. Failure wasn’t in my dictionary; I had the burning desire to do something big, and I wasn’t going … Continue reading 2 Powerful Strategies for Starting Up and Transforming Dreams into Reality