Tag Archives: Purpose

4 strategies for promoting passion and purpose in the workplace

May 19, 2024 4 strategies for promoting passion and purpose in the workplace Yonason Goldson explains how leaders who project an autotelic sense of mission, vision, and nobility promote a cultural attitude geared to succeed. BY Yonason Goldson Many years ago, I introduced my six-year-old son to Chutes and Ladders. He took to the classic board game … Continue reading 4 strategies for promoting passion and purpose in the workplace

Microsoft Makes Time Zone Updates, Extends Shopping Campaigns And Marketing With Purpose

Microsoft Makes Time Zone Updates, Extends Shopping Campaigns And Marketing With Purpose by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, March 1, 2022 As much of the United States prepares for the transition to Daylight Savings Time on March 13, Microsoft Advertising has made time-zone alignment updates in its advertising platform. To prevent potential reporting discrepancies, Microsoft … Continue reading Microsoft Makes Time Zone Updates, Extends Shopping Campaigns And Marketing With Purpose

How Data Can Empower Acts Of Purpose — Along With Acts Of Purchase

How Data Can Empower Acts Of Purpose — Along With Acts Of Purchase by Nelson Freitas , January 24, 2022 In the chase to optimize (and keep optimizing) sales, brands are missing out on the real benefit of data intelligence. Brands could use their customer relationships not only to make money, but also to help … Continue reading How Data Can Empower Acts Of Purpose — Along With Acts Of Purchase

How Questions Help You to Rethink Your Purpose so it Feeds Your Success

Ramon Nuez October 14, 2020 One of the founding professors of Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. William Osler, wrote, “Banish the future. Live only for the hour and its allotted work. Think not of the amount to be accomplished, the difficulties to be overcome, or the end to be attained, but set earnestly at the little … Continue reading How Questions Help You to Rethink Your Purpose so it Feeds Your Success

5 Tweaks to Harness Business Purpose Through the Pandemic Fog

Patty Tucker August 18, 2020 Whether barely making payroll or busting at the seams with new demand (lucky you), business leaders are all surviving in a constant state of change and the fog of the unknown. Through the pandemic fog, all businesses need to motivate employees, attract customers, and communicate how and why they’re making … Continue reading 5 Tweaks to Harness Business Purpose Through the Pandemic Fog