Tag Archives: Personalize

4 Ways New Data Cloud Features Help You Personalize Ads by Salesforce

These new innovations can make you more efficient and effective at using your customer data to deliver advertising campaigns that resonate. Salesforce on April 9, 2024 What’s next in first-party advertising? Our community came together in December at World Tour New York to learn about the latest marketing innovations and how to reach customers better. … Continue reading 4 Ways New Data Cloud Features Help You Personalize Ads by Salesforce

How to use AI and machine learning to personalize and optimize campaigns

Marketers can leverage this technology, but first they need to centralize their data. Chris Wood on February 7, 2023 AI is revolutionizing how marketers engage customers. Beyond how a chatbot like ChatGPT might change the way customers search, AI and machine learning models can also equip marketers with the power to personalize and optimize their … Continue reading How to use AI and machine learning to personalize and optimize campaigns

Personalize Your Customer’s Online Shopping Experience With These 9 Tips

Young Entrepreneur Council September 27, 2021 To truly change the customer experience, personalization has to go beyond a simple name change in an email. In the e-commerce world, shoppers expect a certain level of ease and comfort, and those companies which can offer a more tailored experience are the ones bringing customers back again and … Continue reading Personalize Your Customer’s Online Shopping Experience With These 9 Tips

How to Use Zero-Party Data to Personalize Your Campaigns

Karan Saggi August 9, 2021 First-party data has long been an established tool for gathering information that will inform your personalization strategy. But there’s another audience type—one that few marketers talk about—which you can add to your data mix to enhance your personalization: zero-party data. This lesser-known type of data can provide additional insights that … Continue reading How to Use Zero-Party Data to Personalize Your Campaigns

How To Personalize Email Marketing With Customer Journey Mapping

Jennifer Lyons January 28, 2021 As more businesses shift towards more customer-centered values and business models, customer journey mapping is quickly becoming a rising star in marketing strategy. Customer journey mapping does not guarantee better customer engagement on its own, but it can be an essential tool for gaining a deeper understanding of your customers’ … Continue reading How To Personalize Email Marketing With Customer Journey Mapping

3 Strategies to Personalize Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Jock Breitwieser December 1, 2020 Any marketer or social seller should know how impactful personalization can be within their marketing. Epsilon research recently found that 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company that offers a personalized experience. Personalization allows you to provide specific content to a very targeted audience that … Continue reading 3 Strategies to Personalize Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Getting Personal: How to Personalize Employee Recognition

Steven Handmaker — March 1, 2019 Follow @handmaker — March 1, 2019 Robert Half, a global staffing firm, recently reported that 12 percent of workers say they would quit their job because they don’t feel appreciated. These days organizations are looking for new ways to stand-out and even more ways to retain their current high … Continue reading Getting Personal: How to Personalize Employee Recognition

How to personalize without crossing the ‘creepy line’

Creeping out your customers is bad for business. Here’s how to message without going over the line. Robin Kurzer on October 31, 2018   (Click to enlarge.) Image: Interactions LLC. Things are getting a little scary out there. With the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to micro-target customers across multiple platforms at an all-time high, … Continue reading How to personalize without crossing the ‘creepy line’