Tag Archives: Getting

TikTok’s problems just keep getting worse: Now it could be in trouble with the IRS

March 29, 2024 TikTok’s problems just keep getting worse: Now it could be in trouble with the IRS A former TikTok employee has filed complaints with the Department of Labor and IRS over the company’s management of stock options. BY Chris Stokel-Walker A former TikTok employee sent letters of complaint this month to the Internal Revenue … Continue reading TikTok’s problems just keep getting worse: Now it could be in trouble with the IRS

Is Google getting worse? This is what leading computer scientists say

  By Clint Rainey January 18, 2024 You’ve heard this claim before, but a new study lends academic credence to the common refrain that “Google is getting worse.” For a paper that’s being presented at March’s European Conference on Information Retrieval, a team of German researchers googled some 7,392 search terms once a week for … Continue reading Is Google getting worse? This is what leading computer scientists say

Google search users are getting annoyed by a pop-up window that asks: See results closer to you?

  By Christopher Zara January 12, 2024 Companies call them prompts. Techies call them nags. Around the internet, the rest of us just call them pop-ups—and we hate them. Nevertheless, pop-up windows are an endless bane of online life, despite whatever game of whack-a-mole we might try to play with ad blockers, browser plug-ins, or … Continue reading Google search users are getting annoyed by a pop-up window that asks: See results closer to you?

Getting help with customer experience transformation: Best of the MarTechBot

See how the MarTechBot responds to a prompt and how the prompt can be improved. Today: Getting help with customer experience transformation. MarTechBot on December 18, 2023 Best of the MarTechBot showcases the MarTechBot’s responses to prompts submitted by readers. The language model is based on content from MarTech embedded on top of ChatGPT. The editors of MarTech … Continue reading Getting help with customer experience transformation: Best of the MarTechBot

Women are falling behind in the green economy. LinkedIn says the gender gap is getting worse

  By Shalene Gupta December 04, 2023 Gender inequity is everywhere, from household chores and leisure time to salaries and now “green skills.” As climate change looms over us, skills that can help solve environmental problems are becoming increasingly valuable. However, a new report from LinkedIn finds that only 1 in 10 women have so-called … Continue reading Women are falling behind in the green economy. LinkedIn says the gender gap is getting worse

These Gen Z employees have discovered the secret to getting a bigger raise—switch jobs

  By Shalene Gupta When “Connie,” 26, landed her first job out of college in 2020, she knew she wanted a raise. She was earning $60,000 in New York City as a consultant. Her first raise got her to $67,000, but she knew she’d have to switch jobs to get a substantial raise. “Everyone tells … Continue reading These Gen Z employees have discovered the secret to getting a bigger raise—switch jobs

Figma’s future is about far more than design—or getting acquired

  By Harry McCracken November 01, 2023 On September 15, 2022, Adobe made an announcement that took the tech world’s breath away, yet somehow had a whiff of inevitability to it. The software behemoth, long known for its acquisitiveness, had agreed to buy Figma, the wildly popular web-based platform for interface design, for $20 billion. … Continue reading Figma’s future is about far more than design—or getting acquired