7 E-Commerce Sales Promotions that are Perfect for Converting Holiday Shoppers

— December 4, 2016

With the holiday shopping season still very much in swing, it’s a great time to take a look at a few examples of high converting sales promotions from established e-commerce businesses. I’ve put together a list of different types of e-commerce promotions that you can use to drive more sales during the remainder of the holiday season!

Holiday Themed Email Pop Ups

One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to promotions during the holiday season is that you have to run a lot of different promotions, offer huge discounts, and constantly change your promotional messaging.

Because of this, many e-commerce businesses avoid holiday promotions all together and miss out on the year’s largest opportunity for sales.

Don’t want to go crazy with promotions? Engage your visitors with a holiday themed email pop up. This allows you to capitalize on increased traffic and increase email capture. This also shows that you keep your website up to date and that you’re in business for the holidays. Shoppers are going to respond positively with holiday branding and design. It’s a trust thing.


Pendleton made small changes to their email pop up to reflect the time of the year. This example has a strong and relevant call-to-action which is imperative for a high converting pop ups. This is barely any work at all and can drastically increase conversion results.


Reshoevn8r took a similar approach with their holiday promotions. This email pop up is simple, festive, and encompasses their brand. They offer a 10% discount as an added incentive to join their mailing list. This is something that any e-commerce business can implement to appeal to holiday shoppers!

Flash Sales

‘Tis the season of flash sales! Black Friday and Cyber Monday are widespread flash sales but don’t restrict yourself to just those dates. Host your own flash sale for your own purpose.

Whether it’s to create urgency to purchase, boost sales during a period of time, move excess inventory, or all of the above, this can be a powerful tactic for your business.


Watches.com ran a 48 hour flash sale for a specific type of watch. Shoppers are notified with this full screen pop up featuring a countdown timer to create urgency.

It’s also worth noting the showcase of the discounted price and the difference from the normal retail price. Shoppers are looking for deals so make it as appealing as possible to them.

Notification Bar

Global site messaging is always important. It’s the perfect way to showcase deals, upcoming sales, and also provide a CTA to direct traffic to key pages. During the holidays, a notification bar can be a very useful tool to display important holiday shopping information. They are also very easy to make changes to as your offerings change throughout the holiday shopping season.


Onnit does an excellent job with their notification bar. It shows different product category discounts, sale end date, and a countdown timer to create urgency. It’s simple and it provides relevant information to holiday shoppers and deal seekers.


Soccer Corner notifies their shoppers in a similar manner for their extended Cyber Monday sale.

Call-to-Action Pop Ups

Call-to-action pop ups are ideal for directly engaging shoppers and providing them with that next step in their visit. During busy shopping times and holiday sales, you want to direct shoppers to your key pages of your website. To do this, place a strong and appealing call-to-action (CTA) pop up in front of them and tell them where to go.


Spinning uses an incredibly simple pop up to direct traffic to their sales page. This is simple, easy to implement, and it works!


Here’s United By Blue‘s Blue Friday promotion. Very clean design, intriguing copy, and a very strong CTA. If you’re doing something different with your sales, let your shoppers know about it. Blue Friday is their initiative to clean up local parks and waterways. It’s a good cause and deserves clear amplification on their site.

Countdown Timer Pop Ups


Countdown timers are a proven method for creating urgency and can easily be added to any pop up on your website. Here are several upcoming dates that you may consider using a countdown timer pop up on your site:

  • December 12 – Green Monday
  • December 14 – Stamp and Ship Day
  • December 18 – Free Shipping Day
  • December 23 – Festivus, Gift Card Day
  • December 25 – Christmas
  • December 26 – Boxing Day, Coupon Code Day

Holiday Special Notification


As the holiday shopping season nears its end, your focus will turn to driving last minute sales. Rustico has provided an excellent example of how to notify and incentivize shoppers to complete purchases. The use of order size thresholds for higher gift card amounts should also lead to higher cart value.

Shipping Info Notification


Last minute shoppers are only going to purchase from you if you’re able to fulfill and deliver by the desired date. Instead of waiting until later in the purchasing process to display holiday shipping info, Shwood Shop take a different route.

Shoppers are presented with this pop up that contains shipping info as well as free shipping thresholds. This immediately shows shoppers that they can still fulfill orders for Christmas gifts while also providing an incentive buy more in order to get free shipping.


Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Grant Thomas

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