Tag Archives: Effective

Email excellence: The top 10 traits of highly effective email marketers

What makes an email marketer truly exceptional? Learn 10 key characteristics behind email marketing mastery. Kath Pay on April 4, 2024 Anybody can push the “send” button on an email campaign. But good email results depend on more than state-of-the-art technology, beautiful email designs or all the data you want. What’s missing? People with the … Continue reading Email excellence: The top 10 traits of highly effective email marketers

Navigating new spam policies: A guide to effective cold email outreach

Adapt your cold email strategy to the latest spam policy updates. Ensure your emails resonate with prospects and drive meaningful results. Vladyslav Podoliako on March 6, 2024 Since February, Google and Yahoo’s new spam policy updates have shaken things up for businesses using cold email outreach. The aim is to make inboxes safer and less … Continue reading Navigating new spam policies: A guide to effective cold email outreach

AI-assisted copywriting more effective than humans alone

AI-assisted copywriting more effective than humans alone Charlotte Colombo Freelance Journalist    AI-assisted copywriting   As newsrooms and websites begin to incorporate AI into their content more, you can’t blame writers for worrying about being replaced. But what if we learned to work with AI rather than against it? That was the mentality behind a … Continue reading AI-assisted copywriting more effective than humans alone

How AI is making identity resolution platforms more effective

Customer demand for personalized marketing keeps rising and third-party cookies keep deprecating, AI helps IDPs fill in the gaps. Pamela Parker on February 14, 2024 Consumer expectations for highly personalized marketing interactions have reached an all-time high. Eighty percent say the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services, 73% expect … Continue reading How AI is making identity resolution platforms more effective

4 Effective Ways Mining Companies Can Enhance ROI and Productivity

4 Effective Ways Mining Companies Can Enhance ROI and Productivity Over the past several years, the mining industry has faced many challenges; despite the continuing innovation in this field, economic inflation and the mining operations are still under pressure to increase the ROI. Large mining companies can sustain, but small-scale mining operations cannot sustain them … Continue reading 4 Effective Ways Mining Companies Can Enhance ROI and Productivity