Category Archives: Corporate Culture

An inside look at the Phoenix Suns’ new $100 million headquarters

 April 04, 2024 An inside look at the Phoenix Suns and Mercury’s new $100 million headquarters The new headquarters is designed for the behind-the-scenes staff who makes Phoenix’s basketball teams run. BY Hunter Schwarz In Michael Lewis’ Moneyball, the Oakland Athletics use data and statistics, rather than traditional scouting methods, to build a team of players … Continue reading An inside look at the Phoenix Suns’ new $100 million headquarters

Company Culture: The Key to Attracting Today’s Tech Talent

Company Culture: The Key to Attracting Today’s Tech Talent Mike Monroe / 01 Feb 2023   Generally speaking, your company culture reflects how your employees feel at work. It encompasses workers’ thoughts on your organization, their career goals, the practices they follow, and more. And as the job market becomes more competitive, more candidates will examine … Continue reading Company Culture: The Key to Attracting Today’s Tech Talent

The 4 Signs That You Have Good Company Culture

Alice Corner December 14, 2021 StartupStockPhotos / Pixabay A crucial, and often overlooked, part of building any business is being purposeful about your company culture. Building a good company culture should be in your top three priorities when it comes to growing, adjusting, or scaling your business. But what a good company culture looks like … Continue reading The 4 Signs That You Have Good Company Culture

When Departments Fight, Is It More About the People or the Work?

Liz Kislik November 14, 2021 If interdepartmental disagreements are not part of your daily life, you can skip reading this piece. But I hear about these situations frequently, and two cases of this kind of dispute came my way just recently. One of my clients had a problem with a department that characterized another department … Continue reading When Departments Fight, Is It More About the People or the Work?

Build a Company Culture That Delivers Eye Popping Results

Don Shapiro October 22, 2021 ATLAS Experiment © 2021 CERN ATLAS added to the world’s largest particle accelerator Consider these employee conversations at two companies. Two salespeople were talking during a slow moment at an industry trade show. “I’m not writing much down in that book the VP gave me. Takes a lot of time … Continue reading Build a Company Culture That Delivers Eye Popping Results

Is a Good Company Culture the Secret to Successful Recruitment?

Alice Corner October 15, 2021 StockSnap / Pixabay If you’re having trouble hiring at the moment, you’re not alone. Many companies are reporting having difficulties filling roles at the moment, especially in the tech world. Remote work has expanded the pool of companies candidates can apply to, and potential employees are becoming more critical about … Continue reading Is a Good Company Culture the Secret to Successful Recruitment?