Category Archives: Productivity

Daylight saving time is an insidious destroyer of your precious sleep patterns

  By Christopher Zara November 03, 2023 As long as we have to fall back this weekend anyway, let’s use that extra hour to ponder the impossible-to-overstate importance of getting a good night’s sleep. You could easily spend weeks scouring research on the link between poor sleep and poor health outcomes and still not get … Continue reading Daylight saving time is an insidious destroyer of your precious sleep patterns

4 Effective Ways Mining Companies Can Enhance ROI and Productivity

4 Effective Ways Mining Companies Can Enhance ROI and Productivity Over the past several years, the mining industry has faced many challenges; despite the continuing innovation in this field, economic inflation and the mining operations are still under pressure to increase the ROI. Large mining companies can sustain, but small-scale mining operations cannot sustain them … Continue reading 4 Effective Ways Mining Companies Can Enhance ROI and Productivity

93% of Americans have complaints about meetings. Here are their top 8 do’s and don’t’s

  By Shalene Gupta August 29, 2023 “Hurray, more meetings!” said no one ever. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant we’ve given work a rethink. But unfortunately, meetings are still a mainstay—if not even more prevalent, much to everyone’s disappointment. Mmhmm, a video presentation app, asked 1,000 Americans about their thoughts on meetings, and the response … Continue reading 93% of Americans have complaints about meetings. Here are their top 8 do’s and don’t’s

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage In, Garbage Out by Joe Mandese  @mp_joemandese, April 14, 2022 It’s one of the most fundamental principles of computer programming and data science, but based on some descriptions for the “test and learn” marketplace onboarding multiple, “alternative” currencies that advertising deals will be based on in the 2022-23 upfront marketplace, I think it is … Continue reading Garbage In, Garbage Out

Marketer-Led Measurement Initiative To Be ‘Productionalized’ By Early 2024

Marketer-Led Measurement Initiative To Be ‘Productionalized’ By Early 2024 by Joe Mandese  @mp_joemandese, March 4, 2022 An ad industry initiative to develop a new system enabling marketers to have sublime control over the reach and frequency of ads exposed to individual consumers without personally identifying them is expected to be operational by the U.S. as … Continue reading Marketer-Led Measurement Initiative To Be ‘Productionalized’ By Early 2024