How Companies Build their Marketing at Unfathomable Scale

August 26, 2015

With aggressive growth on the horizon, it’s time to make the transition from start-up stage to an established brand. But how can you make sure your marketing keeps up?

Successful Companies Use These 4 Steps to Scale Their Marketing

You’ll be on the right track by following these four tried and tested steps to scale your marketing.20150416225153-digital-marketing-webinar

  1. They Identify a Clear Strategy

It is worth mentioning that as companies grow, to effectively see return on their marketing efforts, companies need to identify clear strategy, goals and targets. Kapost reports how a survey revealed for 69% of marketers, their go-to marketing strategy is to understand buyer needs.

Start with and always come back to your buyers’ experience and your strategy will lead to healthy ROI as you scale.

  1. They Develop a Systemic Process

Taylor Radley at Content Marketing Institute identifies an important next step once you’ve identified your marketing strategy: develop a production process. She’s referring to a go-to sys
tem that enables your staff to work and collaborate according to a pre-determined and well-considered plan.

As marketing is the life-blood of any business, ongoing marketing without hitches is crucial to ensure effective brand management at ROI when you scale your marketing. Identify your “who, what, where, how and why” and lead your team, particularly where content production is concerned.

  1. They Hire the Right Staff at the Right Time

They say that the key to success in business is the ability to delegate, the ability to find the right people and lead them to succeed at a shared goal. The same is true for your marketing goals. You just can’t go it alone if you intend to create a consistent, steady stream of top quality content or executing different marketing channels.

People Buy From People They Trust Reminder MessageSam Slaughter at Contently recommends not only hiring to scale, but hiring at just the right time. If you are at the stage of just creating one-two blogs per week, it doesn’t make sense to hire a whole team of editors and writers internally.

However, once you start to stretch your team beyond their capacity, it is time to invest in hiring the right talent. You’ll need to ensure you can keep up with your marketing gaols without compromising quality as you grow. For this reason, hiring and team culture should become part of your strategy, which in turn can become integral to your marketing processes.

  1. They Automate the Right Areas

Jenna Hanington reports for Salesforce that, businesses that use marketing automation in order to nurture prospects see a 451% increase in qualified leads.

That’s perhaps why Neil Patel at Quick Sprout points out that, as soon as your marketing needs begin to build, you’ll start to waste money on redundant tasks that don’t require any expertise to execute. Such tasks would include emailing new customers or emailing your users or subscribers every time you post new content.

You’ll want to maintain the personality and personal touch in your marketing as much as possible. However, as you scale, maintaining a one-to-one communication channel between everyone interested in your brand just isn’t possible. More to the point, it may not be necessary. Automation of key, repetitive and low-skill tasks will be fundamental in scaling your marketing.

Key Takeaway: Start with the Why and How, and the Rest Will Follow

One of the greatest challenges to business scaling their marketing is to achieve growth without compromising the effectiveness of marketing, or the personality of your brand. Scaling your marketing involves a clear strategy and a clear route to execution without the need to micro-manage every step.

Focus on the Why and How repeatedly to market your business at seemingly unfathomable scales.

Image credit: Entrepreneur Media Inc.

Image credit: Crowdsource

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