Category Archives: Marketing Tools

14,106 martech tools reveal 3 trends you should master

What you need to know about martech consolidation, atomization of specialist tools and the untapped potential of generative AI in martech stacks. Frans Riemersma on May 7, 2024   The martech landscape continues to expand relentlessly, year after year. In 2024, this translates to a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41.8%, marking an astounding … Continue reading 14,106 martech tools reveal 3 trends you should master

Marketers keep adding tech despite feeling overwhelmed by too many tools

Nearly two-thirds (65%) of marketers are prioritizing technology over creativity, a new study from Clevertouch Consulting found. Chris Wood on February 22, 2024 Marketers are making martech a priority, although some organizations have found their stacks becoming increasingly complex and are looking to simplify them. Some 57% of marketers are feeling overwhelmed by the number … Continue reading Marketers keep adding tech despite feeling overwhelmed by too many tools

IAB, MRC release augmented reality measurement guidelines

The IAB and MRC have released guidelines for measuring AR ad campaigns, opening them for public comment. Kim Davis on February 8, 2024 The Interactive Advertising Bureau and the Media Rating Council have issued guidelines designed to establish consistent terminology and metrics for ads served with augmented reality campaigns. The guidelines should help marketers and … Continue reading IAB, MRC release augmented reality measurement guidelines

Campaign management software: What can it do for you?

Streamlining the management of campaigns saves time and increases agility, but you’re unlikely to find one solution that fits all of your needs. Mike Pastore on December 19, 2023 Campaign management software helps marketers automate the manual tasks of planning, launching and measuring the impact of their campaigns. That’s important because there are a number … Continue reading Campaign management software: What can it do for you?

Maximizing impact: Marketing resource allocation in lean times

When there is less to go around, we must reevaluate targets and leverage data to focus on high-impact activities. Amy Strickland on November 21, 2023 As senior marketing leaders, you’re undoubtedly well-acquainted with the challenge of doing more with less. You’ve heard the standard guidance — prioritize, automate and use data. It’s good advice. But … Continue reading Maximizing impact: Marketing resource allocation in lean times

Thought leadership: The human element your marketing needs

AI may reduce the effort required to create marketing assets, but outsourcing expert perspective is a big mistake. Ali Schwanke on November 15, 2023 AI is everywhere, filling the web with content that often lacks the depth, nuance or forward-looking angle of expert insight. While tools like ChatGPT can supplement expertise with efficiency and creativity, … Continue reading Thought leadership: The human element your marketing needs

Introducing Optimizely One: An OS for marketing

Optimizely rebrands its platform as well as announcing a partnership with enterprise AI platform Writer. Kim Davis on October 12, 2023 Digital experience platform Optimizely has rebranded its main offering as “Optimizely One,” seeking to offer the flexibility of composability as well as the simplicity of a single workflow. It also announced a rebranding of … Continue reading Introducing Optimizely One: An OS for marketing