Tag Archives: Analytics

Adopting consent-based analytics for long-term marketing success

Practical insights for implementing consent seamlessly in your digital analytics strategy amid evolving privacy laws and user expectations. Alan K’necht on April 16, 2024 It’s important to start monitoring consent management as part of your digital analytics strategy. Apart from the EU, various privacy laws in the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia and other regions require … Continue reading Adopting consent-based analytics for long-term marketing success

Hootsuite to acquire social analytics company Talkwalker

New offering will combine social media campaign management with analytics powered by Talkwalker’s Blue Silk GPT genAI technology. Chris Wood on April 9, 2024  Social media management company Hootsuite announced it will acquire Talkwalker, an AI-powered social analytics platform. Terms of the deal haven’t been disclosed, but it’s expected to close in 2Q 2024. Hootsuite, … Continue reading Hootsuite to acquire social analytics company Talkwalker

Reminder – Google is turning off all Universal Analytics services and APIs

Google is urging those who have not yet fully migrated to Google Analytics 4 to do so as soon as possible to prevent potential data loss. Nicola Agius on April 5, 2024 Google issued a reminder that it will be discontinuing all Universal Analytics (UA) services and APIs on July 1, 2024. With Google Analytics … Continue reading Reminder – Google is turning off all Universal Analytics services and APIs

Using data analytics for customer acquisition: Best of the MarTechBot

See how the MarTechBot responds to a prompt and how the prompt can be improved. Today: using data analytics to boost customer acquisition. MarTechBot on February 19, 2024 Best of the MarTechBot showcases the MarTechBot’s responses to prompts submitted by readers. See more about how marketers are using MarTechBot here. The language model is based on content from MarTech … Continue reading Using data analytics for customer acquisition: Best of the MarTechBot

Data visualization: How to transform analytics data into actionable insights

Tired of buried insights in complex reports? Turn overwhelming analytics data into clear insights with data visualization. Alan K’necht on January 23, 2024  Today’s digital marketing seems to require an overload of data. With analytics platforms generating vast amounts of information across multiple channels, making sense of it can be challenging. This is where data … Continue reading Data visualization: How to transform analytics data into actionable insights