Search Generative Experience As A Complete Alternative To Search

Search Generative Experience As A Complete Alternative To Search

by , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, April 2, 2024
Search Generative Experience As A Complete Alternative To Search

Some say generative AI will never replace traditional search engines — but the change could come sooner than expected, especially if consumers show a willingness to take the leap.

Google began asking users who had not enrolled in Google Labs if they would like to use its Search Generative Experience last month, perhaps to help familiarize them with the technology — and one day integrate SGE into Google Search.

While many in the industry wait on the news of the takeover of Bing by Copilot, the industry may see the rollout of SGE first — which could happen as soon as May 14, at the Google I/O conference. Others suspect the same. Why have two types of search engines when combined into one can do more. 

Adobe research revealed recently that more than half of Americans have uses GAI for shopping, travel, and other sectors to look for information.

The survey, Age of Generative AI, surveyed 3,000 U.S. consumers between Feb. 15 and Feb. 19, about their use and expectations around GAI. Most think of it as a tool for creativity, improve personalized shopping experiences with brands, and as an alternative to search.

Nearly all Americans surveyed said they had heard of GAI, and 53% say they have used it. Some 81% of consumers use generative AI in their personal lives, 30% at work, and 17% at school. Of consumers who regularly use generative AI, 41% use it every day.

Google describes SGE as an “experimental search snippet generated by AI that appears in Google Search.” It uses GAI to break down the top search engine results page (SERP) content into a single snippet at the top of the page.

Adobe’s research suggests the most common use cases for GAI. Some 31% try it as an alternative to search, but there are other ways to use the technology that appeal much more to those who try it. About 64% use it to do research and brainstorming, while 44% use it to create first drafts of written content, 36% use it for visual or presentations, and 31% use it to summarize written text.

Fifty-eight percent of consumers surveyed say that GAI has improved their online shopping experience, and most are optimistic about future experiences. In retail, 90% of consumers said they can more easily filter products on a website based on their needs. about 88% have designed a custom product, 90% summarized product reviews, and 87% enabled chatbot-based customer service. 

Adobe also surveyed 400 U.S. marketers between February 29 – March 5, 2024, to understand how brands strategize around GAI. Two-thirds of respondents use it for marketing and though46% are still in the experimentation stages, marketing teams’ priorities align with what consumers are want.

Fifty-nine percent of marketers expect GAI to help scale personalized customer experiences, while 51% say it can deliver faster customer support, 50% believe it will enable more streamlined internal workflows, and 43% say it will optimize marketing budgets.

Over half of marketers expect generative AI to significantly alter marketing functions within the next year.

Some say generative AI will never replace traditional search engines, but the change could come sooner than expected – especially if consumers show a willingness to take the leap.
