Tag Archives: Alternative

Search Generative Experience As A Complete Alternative To Search

Search Generative Experience As A Complete Alternative To Search by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, April 2, 2024   Some say generative AI will never replace traditional search engines — but the change could come sooner than expected, especially if consumers show a willingness to take the leap. Google began asking users who had not … Continue reading Search Generative Experience As A Complete Alternative To Search

Beyond quadrants: An alternative approach to martech selection

Find out why static quadrants with generic winners and losers fail to capture unique business needs and how to shortlist vendors based on strategic fit. Apoorv Durga on November 9, 2023 When looking at martech vendors and marketplaces, we’ve gotten used to quadrants. They provide a simple visual to plot key players in an industry … Continue reading Beyond quadrants: An alternative approach to martech selection

Twitter alternative Spill aims to recreate the magic of Black Twitter in a safe space

  By Yasmin Gagne July 30, 2023 Few cultural forces have shaped the way we interact online more than Black Twitter (I will not use Twitter’s new name, X, for the remainder of this article). The term refers to a loosely connected group of Black users whose interactions and conversations often become trending activity, partly … Continue reading Twitter alternative Spill aims to recreate the magic of Black Twitter in a safe space

Searches Rise For A Reddit Alternative Since API Charges Increased

Searches Rise For A Reddit Alternative Since API Charges Increased by Laurie Sullivan  @lauriesullivan, June 20, 2023 Data released Tuesday reveals that nationwide Google searches around an alternative to Reddit have risen by 127% since the platform blackout started. The findings, compiled by web-hosting experts at Hostinger, also found some states are more anxious for … Continue reading Searches Rise For A Reddit Alternative Since API Charges Increased

Data Reveals Programmatic Cookie Alternative Pricing, Impressions

Data Reveals Programmatic Cookie Alternative Pricing, Impressions by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, May 19, 2023 Data shows how cookie alternatives can generate additional revenue for publishers outside of third-party cookies. Half of a publisher’s inventory has been ignored simply because it lacks a browser identifier. Technology and Travel and Pharmaceutical — which includes over-the-counter … Continue reading Data Reveals Programmatic Cookie Alternative Pricing, Impressions

Google Finds Alternative Revenue Source To Online Advertising In Cloud Technology

Google Finds Revenue Alternative To Advertising Via Cloud Tech by Laurie Sullivan  @lauriesullivan, October 11, 2022 There is no shortage of cloud offerings, but Google has managed to build the technology into the backbone for many of its services. At Google, cloud services and artificial intelligence continue to drive its growth. In Q2, Google Cloud … Continue reading Google Finds Alternative Revenue Source To Online Advertising In Cloud Technology

ANA Clarifies RFP Not For Alternative TV Ratings Panel, But For Calibrating New Tech Solution

ANA Clarifies RFP Not For Alternative TV Ratings Panel, But For Calibrating New Tech Solution by Joe Mandese  @mp_joemandese, February 25, 2022 In response to trade reports earlier this week about its plans to issue a request for proposals for a new consumer research panel, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) stated it was incorrectly … Continue reading ANA Clarifies RFP Not For Alternative TV Ratings Panel, But For Calibrating New Tech Solution