How Can Your Brand Use Instagram?

February 12, 2015

In this day and age, more and more people are using social media on a daily basis. Utilizing social media, therefore, is becoming more and more important for those who want their brand to be noticed and remembered. Instagram is one such platform, and its steady growth during the last several years makes it a site which you should definitely be using to market your products.

Announce New Products, Sales, and Promotions

This may seem obvious, but don’t underestimate it. People simply cannot take advantage of your offers, products, and promotions if they don’t know anything about them. Getting the word out is often just as important as creating an awesome product.Try to be engaging and upbeat in the way that you announce things. You could simply get away with posting an image of a product and stating “25% off of this item today.”, but that’s a really boring and passive way to promote your brand. Instead, try to include the words “25% Off!” on your image, and state something more along the lines of, “We’re excited to offer this product for 25% off! But this sale only lasts for one day, so shop now before it’s too late.

Keep in Mind Instagram’s Mobile Platform

Most other social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, are designed to be websites which have supporting apps. That isn’t the case with Instagram, which is designed to be a mobile application with a supporting website.

This means that most of the people viewing your content on Instagram are going to be using iPods, tablets, phones, or other small devices. Before posting something, ask yourself if it will look right on those rather tiny screens. Will the text be readable? Is it easy to see what the image is picturing? If not, try simplifying the image on until it is.

Engage and Enlist Your Audience

Posting new content is just one facet of interacting on Instagram. Responding to comments, using relevant hashtags, and commenting on the photos of others are all other ways to utilize the app.

While simple one or two-word comments don’t always need to be acknowledged and responded to, always try to answer questions people may ask. Professionally and politely respond to any questions, reviews, or lengthier comments.

Finally, do your best to get your audience to work for you. Perhaps you can offer a giveaway where those who post pictures of themselves using your product (and tag you so you can find it!) have a chance to win a gift card or other reward. It may cost you a bit to get their participation, but the rewards of such “advertising” of your brand will be more than worth it.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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