Google Launches Outstream Video Ads To Play On Sites Other Than YouTube

Google Launches Outstream Video Ads To Play On Sites Other Than YouTube

by  @lauriesullivan, April 18, 2018

Google has launched a new video ad format called Outstream built exclusively for mobile apps and the mobile web, as well as for sites other than YouTube.

The new ad unit doesn’t require placement in a YouTube video, unlike Trueview in-stream ads or Bumper ads.

The videos appear in banners for mobile web placements and as banners, interstitials, in-feed and native for apps, giving advertisers the ability to reach an audience when a YouTube video isn’t present. The new ad unit only appears on Google video partners, such as publisher websites and mobile apps.

Marketers can purchase the Outstream ad unit on a viewable CPM basis. 

“When Outstream video ads come into view on a mobile screen, they begin to play with the sound off,” wrote Armen Mkrtchyan, product manager of video ads, in a post.

A viewer can then tap the ad to turn sound on and restart the video from the beginning, or keep scrolling.

Hong Kong Tourism, a Google advertiser, already uses the Outstream video ad unit to increase awareness and cost-efficient reach, wrote Mkrtchyan. He cites the organization’s results in a global brand campaign — delivering 30% incremental reach with a 40% lower cost per completed video view and 85% lower CPM.

Ironically, earlier this week, Google launched its latest Chrome browser that blocks unmuted autoplay ads. Search Marketing Daily
