Amazon Advertising Courting Agencies, Tool Providers For One-Stop-Shopping Ad Needs
Amazon wants advertisers to increase their reliance on advertising across its properties, so it introduced a partner network of international agencies and tool providers designed to build a community for its advertising business.
The Amazon Advertising Partner Network will pair brands with a suite of in-house products to give advertisers one place in which they can access educational, technical and marketing resources. The self-service portal lets partners manage all of their interactions. The network will link partners to Amazon’s suite of advertising products and campaign management tools.
Aby Angilivelil, director of partner development at Amazon Advertising, in a blog post wrote about working closely with “agencies and tool providers to help them better serve our mutual customers and grow their businesses. We’ve listened closely to partner feedback and have worked hard to build an experience that better meets their needs.”
The Partner Network will house a content library that will include everything from best practice guides and product videos to API documentation. Through the network, partners earn advanced partner status that quality them for added benefits, such as access to select beta programs, training on campaign strategies and new product releases. Partners also can showcase their expertise and partner status through a listing in the directory the company plans to introduce soon.
The partner directory will provide information that helps advertisers more easily find the best Partner Network agencies and tool providers. For example, advertisers will have an option to sort directory listings by criteria such as “products,” “marketplaces” or “service model.”
Partners will create, customize and manage their partner directory listing through their account. For example, partners will be able to update their profile if they are supporting a new region, opened a new office location, or want to localize their profile in their advertisers’ native languages.