5 Stand Out Social Media Campaigns Of Summer 2015

August 15, 2015


Summer is a great time for brands to launch creative initiatives. Without the frenzy of Black Friday or holiday season, summer is the perfect down time to produce compelling social media campaigns.

This summer we’ve seen some great concepts from brands and communities around the world. Here are some social media campaigns that have shown fresh perspectives on utilizing social media and user generated content to tell a story.

Weave Your Instagram Shot

This summer Forever21 partnered with BREAKFAST, an agency out of New York, to bring fans Instagram photos to life in the form of a 2,000 pound “Thread Screen.” The extremely complex machine taps into 6,400 different spools of thread to create a tangible version of photos shared on Instagram with #F21ThreadScreen. The project is an incredible case for how fashion and technology can work together seamlessly.

Panama Tweeting Potholes

Brands can get into a rut with different social networks, using the same tactics over and over again. A campaign by Telemetro Reporta in Panama utilized Twitter in a completely original way. In an effort to prove to the Ministry of Public works that the streets of Panama needed some attention, they had the potholes tweet directly to the @MOPdePanama, the handle of the department. The team placed devices in potholes throughout Panama, that when driven over by drivers would auto-send creative complaint messages to the handle. Due to the influx of tweets, the department began development on improving the road conditions for drivers across the city.

S’mores Oreos

Oreos launched creative PSA-style social media content to promote its new s

Oreos launched creative PSA-style social media content to promote its new s’mores flavor.

Together with 360i, Oreo launched a whimsical campaign for its new s’mores flavored cookie. The flavor was launched over Memorial Day weekend with a playful PSA-style campaign debuted on Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and YouTube. The PSA’s feature S’morey, a furry forest friend advising on finding your s’mores dose without the danger of live fires. The campaign targets both the digital millennial consumer, as well as an older crowd with the retro style content and imagery.

Turkish Airlines Periscope

Periscope is the cool new kid on the block this summer. With its real-time video capabilities, different brands are experimenting with the app to discover its best use for marketing. Turkish Airlines has been upping its ante on its social media game, and decided to be the first to Periscope a flight. The broadcast took viewers from Istanbul to New York and showed the flight preparations as well as behind the scenes video with the airline crew. Along with the stream, Turkish Airlines synchronized promoted tweets to launch when the broadcast went live.



In response to comments on an ad that featured Isis Anchalee’s, she started the hashtag #ILookLikeAnEngineer.

This summer thousands of female engineers banded together over #ILookLikeAnEngineer to tackle tough conversations surrounding stereotypes of the engineering community. The hashtag was sparked in retaliation to responses to a recruitment ad produced by the software company OneLogin. The ad showed employee Isis Anchalee, and after she received close minded feedback to the photo, the engineer posted her own response photo to Twitter with the now iconic hashtag. Since it went live, #ILookLikeAnEngineer has seen over 75,000 uses (as of August 6th) from women across the world in all types of engineering sectors, showing how varied the community is, and that there isn’t just one type of engineer.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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