4 Horrible Recruitment Practices That Drive Great Candidates Away

— August 28, 2017

Let us face it – as humans, we have a tendency to look away from reality and blame others for our mistakes. The same is true for organizations as well. When it comes to recruiting, many companies often complain about a severe talent crunch while others have developed an HR business partner culture that leads to new standards in employee engagement and innovation.

Due to bad recruitment practices, many companies find it hard to attract talent whereas the qualified candidates face difficulties in getting a right career opportunity.

4 Horrible Recruitment Practices That Drive Great Candidates Away

Tumisu / Pixabay

Here are such Horrible Hiring Mistakes that Drive Talent Away

1. Focus on Candidates’ Salary

Many hiring managers concentrate more on the candidates’ past and present compensation than their capabilities. In fact, many recruiters ask this question in the pre-employment test or application form. Asking salary details without looking at their profile, work experience and capabilities baffle qualified job seekers. They look for employers who value their skills and contribution to the organization. If you want to hire great candidates, then stop asking salary details and focus on candidates’ profiles.

2. Pin drop Silence

After spending a significant time in filling a lengthy and tedious application form, the candidates like to hear from you. However, in practice, they usually get an automated email saying, “Thank you for your interest. We have received your response. . .” After this, there is a radio silence from the employers. The candidates don’t know where they stand in the recruitment process. It reflects that the company doesn’t value its prospective employees’ time. If you are using an ATS (Application Tracking System), then add a feature through which candidates can track the status of their application. Also, send a personalized email when the status is updated.

3. Outdated Interviewing Process

Stop asking the questions that are obsolete or hold no relevance in today’s world. Some of the issues as given below have become irrelevant and turn off good candidates as they know it hardly add any value to the process.

Do you still ask the following questions during an interview:

  • Where do you see yourself five years down the line?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What is your greatest weakness?
  • If you were an animal, what would you be?

If your answer is yes, then it is time to upgrade skills of your hiring managers.

Develop an interviewing process that truly reflects your organizations’ core values and assesses the suitability of candidates for the job profile.

4. Bureaucratic Protocol

Many companies have a bureaucratic pre-hiring protocol and multiple levels of approvals before rolling out the offer to selected candidates. Successful candidates wait endlessly to join the organization. Excellent candidates get a job offer from numerous organizations and prefer to join a team that has quick turnaround time. Empower your hiring managers and minimize the level of hierarchy or approvals to make sure that your hard don’t go in vain.


Adopt technology to make your recruitment process more efficient and improve candidates’ experiences. Higher efficiency in hiring at the cost of candidates’ experience may drive good candidates away. Stop using the recruitment practices mentioned above, and you will see a drastic improvement in candidates’ pool which will finally lead to better hiring decisions.

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Author: Anthony Bergs

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