4 Branding Tips That Will Help Market A Business

Philadelphia, PA (PRWEB) June 03, 2014

A business’ personal brand is its story. Effective branding builds trust and security that leads to long-term sales and loyal customers. Brands distinguish businesses from each other and give customers a reason to choose one company over another. To properly market a business, a strategic company and/ or personal brand must be established. These 4 tips will help determine a company’s brand and market a business: 1. Take the Time to Define Sit down and think long and hard about your business. What values does your business espouse? Are there core tenets or pillars that your business strives to uphold? Work out answers to these questions and write them down. Create a mission statement or vision for the business to remember what the brand means. If a business isn’t defined, consumers can’t be expected to know enough about the business to feel secure in their purchase decision. 2. Have a Consistent Voice When marketing a business, branding efforts must remain consistent so customers will be able to tell what the business is about. If the business jumps around from one thing to the next, then customers will only experience inconsistency. Being vague won’t net any customers, either. In fact, inconsistencies will make a business expendable and forgettable. Keep the tone and wording consistent in articles, blogs, social media posts, press releases and advertisements. Unless the target audience is a highly specified niche industry, most blog and social media posts should be written using 7th-10th grade language and grammar. This allows for a quick review of information and enables a greater chance for the entire article to be read for maximum exposure. Use the same imagery throughout the website and any visual representations of a business, including email marketing. Consistency is memorable, so use a uniform branded voice when reaching out to customers. 3. Keep It Simple No one likes to look at something messy or confusing. Intricate things are harder to recall, so don’t make the branding too complex. Keep logos simple and to the point. Stay within a consistent color palette and avoid adding extra or unnecessary features to the designs. Look at successful companies that everyone knows about. Take a lesson from such elegant branding designs and keep designs concise. 4. Branding the Mind of the Customer Through Interaction It’s easy to think of branding as just logo design, but there’s more to it than that. To effectively market a business, participate and get involved with customers, because it’s THEIR opinion that matters most. Talk with them and continue to improve the customer experience. Customer service is part of your brand, so define how the company will treat customers. What do you want the customer’s experience to be like? Does everyone in the company know this? If not, determine the “customer code” process and share this information with staff. After the “customer code” process is determined, make sure leadership and employees understand its value. If a customer is satisfied and feels that your business has treated them with respect, then those core values are now associated with your brand. This positive association will keep them coming back long-term. This also includes social media interaction. Be sure to respond to comments and suggestions within an appropriate time frame. Typically it should be within the same business day, and at the very least, within 24 hours. Use the same tone when experienced face to face, and stay consistent with the brand strategy. Remember, to successfully market a business, it takes time, effort and consistency. Many business owners don’t have the time or ability to hire a dedicated marketing or branding staff. Beholder’s monthly Content Marketing Services help businesses reach their goals within their budget. Beholder Productions is a creative content agency specializing in business marketing through content marketing services, branding, film and video, web and social media marketing. Contact Beholder at 844-BEHOLD-R or 844-234-6537 to learn more about Beholder’s services and to discuss your brand and business marketing needs. Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/06/prweb11907822.htm Read more on DigitalJournal.com


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