Why Waste Time Blogging?

July 11, 2015

Blogging waste of time A Blogging Perspective

Why would someone like myself, take time to write about the marketing and management experiences I face and share this information with others? Am I doing some work on the side? (The answer is No!) Well, I must be getting some type of revenue from the blog. (The answer is No!) So people look at me and say, why are you wasting your time.

My answer has always been. Blogging is who I am. It is the best way for me to introduce myself to others and keep them informed of what I stand for and where I come from with respect to my success.

In 2015, I have been able to connect with a lot of great people and I really believe having content in place that people can reference, validates the fact that I am a real person who cares about what is happening in the business world today.

Purpose For Blogging

My main focus is developing business and servicing clients for Midwest Laboratories. This is my sole business and the company I represent. I share content and happenings on our website, home page, and company blog page. These two pages represent company information and news-related information that affect our current clientele.

I use this site, MarketingDirectorBlog.com to give you, the reader a perspective of where I see things headed and the issues I have faced in getting there. I have been blogging for the last 7 years and just like anything there are good days and challenging days. The best part about this process for me is that it serves as a platform for me for which to grow. I am a forward-thinking person who does not like to look back. I prefer to learn from my experiences and strive to reach something better.

How I See Blogging Evolving

People are going to be very skeptical of what is happening in the world. The companies that will succeed are doing things so much differently than their competitors and this is exactly where I want to be going forward. Blogging allows me to stay in touch with others who are striving to keep their businesses in the spotlight with respect to the clients they serve. The landscape is changing and companies need to have an online presence every day. This has been evident for me with respect to blogging on LinkedIn. People are hungry for great information and want to connect with the best and the brightest. If you are not using the blogging tool on Linkedin, you are really missing out. You also need your own home website to insure people know that you also have a presence outside of social media. (This is really important!)

People connect people with their respective companies and vice/versa. It is for this reason that smaller companies are starting to gain more traction in a world of big companies. Think of big companies like Oracle and Apple and the names of Larry Ellison and Tim Beck come to mind. Can you say that about companies like Proctor & Gamble or Shell? No nearly as formidable. People want to connect the Company’s ownership and leadership directly with their respective company. We are continuing to move in this direction and it is coming quicker than expected. The best way to create this connection is to keep your name active in your community and make sure people know what you stand for.

Professional Development

If you want to grow professionally, then you really need to learn from the people, who are in the trenches, who are doing the work to make companies successful. The successful people are sharing their insights if you are willing to listen. Learn from others and apply that learning to your own experiences and then share that information with others. You will quickly build influence in your community. I see my efforts paying great dividends in the near future as our company continues to hopefully grow in the future. Professional development is all about learning and getting better.

Blogging helps start discussions with others. In addition, it keeps information fresh in the minds of others.


Blogging isn’t for everyone. It is a lot of work and it really is about making an investment in yourself and your company. It can be a very scary proposition for some. However, if you stay with it long enough, I can assure you that you will see results and people will know who you are, who you work for and what you stand for. It’s hard to get that type of publicity just any place.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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