What’s Your Pain: 5 Reasons To Share Your Business Technology Pain Points On Twitter

February 13, 2015

Everyone in business has them at one time or another. Pain Points. When it comes to business technology, pain points can be vast. Usually, you realize you have a pain point when something is not working properly, or you have a process that is turning increasingly time consuming and costly. Pain points have a way of overtaking productive businesses – creating time delays, extra costs, employee issues and even customer service disasters. Pain points are universal in business – small businesses to large enterprises battle pain points every day in the push to be more competitive, productive and effective.

WhatsYourPain.Business.WomanGood news: Pain points can also present great opportunities to operate your business better! Pain points should not be feared – or avoided. They should also not be given band-aid solutions. Pain points should be viewed as opportunities to grow your business, cut costs, improve employee morale and develop a more enriching relationship with clients, vendors and partners. Pain points are signs your business is ready to take on greater challenges – and bigger goals.

So, What’s Your Pain?

  • Your pain point could be your accounting software isn’t meeting the requirements of your current momentum.
  • Your point point could be your sales and marketing campaigns are not organized and are failing to incorporate email marketing and social media components.
  • Maybe your pain point is your lack of manufacturing capacity – and tighter organization of supplier scheduling, inventory control and production scheduling.
  • Perhaps your pain point is your inability to engage leads and clients effectively to power your sales pipelines.
  • WhatsYourPain.Business.LadyOne pain point you may have is your HR processes are not automated – and your company is growing.
  • Your pain could be your business needs better IT support and increased data security.
  • Your pain point could even be your desire to conduct business operations 24/7 and your frustration with limitations the 9 to 5 work day places on your sales team – and you.
  • Your pain point could be you realize you could be cutting tremendous costs with less IT infrastructure, but you don’t know how to address the issue.
  • Maybe your pain point is your fear of exploring new alternatives for your business – like the benefits of cloud computing – even though you realize your business needs the cloud.

Worst case scenario, you are feeling pinches from multiple pain points.

That’s why CompuData is launching a Twitter campaign to hear your business technology pain points – and provide expertise, solutions and ideas to eradicate them. The campaign is #WhatsYourPain!

TwitterEvery Friday, CompuData will tweet@CompuDataInc a pain point topic – feel free to share your concerns, questions, observations, viewpoints or even present a unique pain point you are experiencing.

#WhatsYourPain will take place from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST every Friday – but don’t let that small weekly window keep you from tweeting CompuData directly @CompuDataInc with any #WhatsYourPain business technology pain points – anytime! We will share pain points – and the business technology solutions and best practices ideal for taking the pain away.

Why Share Your Pain Points?

  • Sharing your business technology pain points with #WhatsYourPain will give you an opportunity to learn solutions and best practices to address your pain points.
  • Sharing your pain points opens new doors for improving your business operations – and boosting productivity – with acquired knowledge, references and ideas.
  • Recognizing your pain points establishes an accountability – toward solving your pain points.
  • Sharing your pain points encourages an evaluation of your processes, with a focus on productivity issues.
  • Sharing your pain points helps you to create new goals for operational efficiency.

Tweet #WhatsYourPain to @CompuDataInc anytime and we will feature your pain points – and share solutions. Remember, every pain point you are experiencing in your business right now is shared by countless businesses across the United States – and in your own neighborhood. There are innovative, affordable technology solutions designed to address your pain points – all you have to do is recognize #WhatsYourPain and look for the solutions best designed for you!


Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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