Tag Archives: Reasons

3 reasons why digital video and CTV are booming in 2024

Here’s the data and developments fueling advertisers’ growing interest in CTV and digital video. Chris Wood on May 16, 2024    Video ad spend is expected to rise 16% year-over-year in 2024. Brands are interested because of the deep penetration that CTV and digital video have with U.S. households. Streaming services and other publishers are … Continue reading 3 reasons why digital video and CTV are booming in 2024

9 reasons biz conferences are still relevant—online and in person

March 29, 2024 9 reasons biz conferences are still relevant—online and in person In 2024, it’s about finding an event that provides value and is worth your time. BY Fast Company Executive Board When the COVID-19 pandemic forced major shutdowns across the globe in 2020, it prompted conference coordinators and their biggest sponsors to quickly rethink … Continue reading 9 reasons biz conferences are still relevant—online and in person

3 reasons the leadership skills you learned in business school are holding you back

March 14, 2024 3 reasons the leadership skills you learned in business school are holding you back The author of ‘Confronting the Storm’ insists that old ways of solving problems in business have to be unlearned. BY David Ross I’ve always admired the way leaders can identify a solution for linear-style problems so readily, and so … Continue reading 3 reasons the leadership skills you learned in business school are holding you back

The 4 big reasons your employees are distracted will surprise you

By Jon Cooper March 11, 2024 You’re leading a team meeting when you notice Bryce, usually one of the most attentive team members, repeatedly glancing at their phone, furrowing their eyebrows, and clearly preoccupied. Later, they reveal that they’re stressed by an issue at home. You know firsthand that they are not alone. Life issues, … Continue reading The 4 big reasons your employees are distracted will surprise you

U-curve of Happiness research shows how life improves after middle age. Here are 5 reasons why

By Next Big Idea Club February 10, 2024   Chip Conley is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and the founder of one of America’s first boutique hotel companies. He was the previous head of Global Hospitality and Strategy for Airbnb and CEO of the Modern Elder Academy. He received his BA and MBA from Stanford … Continue reading U-curve of Happiness research shows how life improves after middle age. Here are 5 reasons why

It’s not too late: 5 reasons people over 40 make great entrepreneurs

  By Judith Humphrey January 25, 2024 We regularly read about entrepreneurs starting their companies at a young age. Bill Gates was 19 when he founded Microsoft—the same age Mark Zuckerberg was when he launched Facebook, and Michael Dell when he began Dell Technologies. These are classic cases of successful entrepreneurship among the young. But … Continue reading It’s not too late: 5 reasons people over 40 make great entrepreneurs

5 reasons why the martech landscape will reach its peak in 2024

Investment is slowing, budgets are shrinking and generative AI threatens disruption. Here’s why 2024 may be a shakeup year for martech. Scott Gillum on November 9, 2023  One certainty for marketers over the last dozen years is that Scott Brinker’s martech landscape map would grow. The map, which started in 2011 with only 150 companies … Continue reading 5 reasons why the martech landscape will reach its peak in 2024

3 reasons why customer journeys are the key to better experiences and profits

Here’s how taking a holistic look at customer journeys can help your organization drive better experiences and higher revenue. Chris Wood on September 11, 2023 Organizations that want happier customers should look holistically at the entire customer journey. It’s not enough to target individual touchpoints for improvements. Marketers need the big picture when it comes … Continue reading 3 reasons why customer journeys are the key to better experiences and profits

Apple has better reasons than Wall Street to jump into the generative AI arms race

By Mark Sullivan July 19, 2023 Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman wrote Wednesday that Apple has been quietly developing its own generative AI models, and may even try to compete with OpenAI and Google in the chatbot wars. Gurman’s (unnamed) sources say Apple management is still deciding how the company might publicly release the technology, which has … Continue reading Apple has better reasons than Wall Street to jump into the generative AI arms race