Use These Facebook Apps To Help Grow Your Page

— June 1, 2018

Use These Facebook Apps To Help Grow Your Page











Growing a fan base on Facebook can no longer be one without the help of advertising. But there are apps that can help you to reach more people in your target market. Would you like to improve your visibility with more engagement? Use these top Facebook apps, and let me know how these work for you!

1) Highly Visible Tabs – Woobox

Make your products and services stand out on your Facebook Fan Page. Woobox is a highly reputable developer, and one of their products includes the ability to create custom tabs for your brand’s Page. There are quite a few ideas to choose from like sweepstakes, coupons, Instagram, polls, and much more. Connect your Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube feeds for your Facebook followers to see. Customized hashtags and randomized winner selection features are also included.

Use These Facebook Apps To Help Grow Your Page

2) Showcase your latest YouTube videos – TabSite

Attracting visitors to your YouTube channel can also help bring more Fans to your Facebook Page. TabSite helps brands and businesses quickly play and share your videos. It’s quick and easy to add the app to your Page. You can customize the description and provide a long menu of different titles. The software includes customization and organization of your channel, social sharing, playlist selection, and more.

Use These Facebook Apps To Help Grow Your Page

3) Create promo Pages – 22Social

Turn your Page into an attractive sales page. 22Social provides a smart app to maximize your audience reach. Once it is installed you can put together stand-out advertisements that can help attract more leads and sales. The app is approved by Facebook, and includes a variety of different promotions for podcasts, digital courses, giveaways, and more.

Use These Facebook Apps To Help Grow Your Page

4) Attract New Fans with Coupons – Wishpond

People love to find and share coupons on social media. This app can help your business attract new Page likes and create more visibility for your products and services. Wishpond allows you to quickly and easily put together an offer with the use of their app for Facebook Pages. The graphics are eye-catching along with a simple optin box to capture leads. Features include CRM integration with leading companies like Salesforce, Infusionsoft, Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Aweber, and much more.

Use These Facebook Apps To Help Grow Your Page

Hopefully you will find these Facebook Page apps useful to your business marketing strategy. Are there any that you would like to add as well?

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Susan Gilbert

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