Tag Archives: Working

Junior Bank of America banker who died was working over 100 hours a week

May 15, 2024 Junior Bank of America banker who died was working over 100 hours a week Wall Street has grappled for years with overwork among junior staff. BY Reuters The 35-year-old Bank of America investment banker who died from a blood clot earlier this month wanted to leave the U.S. bank because he was working … Continue reading Junior Bank of America banker who died was working over 100 hours a week

Computational scientists may have discovered why working the night shift is bad for your health

May 14, 2024 Computational scientists may have discovered why working the night shift is bad for your health Late shifts disrupt the proteins responsible for regulating glucose, a small study has found, which may explain higher rates of diabetes and obesity among certain workers. BY Shalene Gupta Night shift workers are at a higher risk for … Continue reading Computational scientists may have discovered why working the night shift is bad for your health

Too many women are working through their high menstrual pain instead of taking the time off they need

April 24, 2024 Too many women are working through their high menstrual pain instead of taking the time off they need Inequality is about more than just pay. A new survey reveals stark realities for women at work across 10 different countries. BY Shalene Gupta The gender wage gap has narrowed to women earning 92 cents … Continue reading Too many women are working through their high menstrual pain instead of taking the time off they need

As lead gen grows on social media, marketers discuss what’s working

Social media lead gen products are backed by machine learning and vast amounts of data. How effective are they? Mike Pastore on April 19, 2024   It’s one of the oldest debates in lead generation: quantity vs. quality. Marketers who are judged by the number of leads they generate will push for quantity. But big-ticket … Continue reading As lead gen grows on social media, marketers discuss what’s working

4 ways leaders can better support stressed-out caregivers and working parents

  By Jennifer Cohen February 03, 2024 American mothers are facing an existential crisis. There have never been more of us, yet it doesn’t feel like it’s any easier. There are also nearly 44 million caregivers in this country—a disproportionate number of them women (75%). The tune of their free labor? $470 billion each year, … Continue reading 4 ways leaders can better support stressed-out caregivers and working parents

What’s new and what’s working, in B2B channel partner marketing

The speed and complexity of business today demands a fresh look at how to make channel partner marketing work. Ruth Stevens on December 26, 2023  Channel partner marketing means efforts to recruit and support third-party partners to expand a vendor’s market access.  Traditional support methods include training, data-sharing, co-marketing campaigns, rebates, MDF (market development funds), … Continue reading What’s new and what’s working, in B2B channel partner marketing

Would you and your spouse make good business partners? Dwyane Wade was nervous about working with Gabrielle Union-Wade

  By KC Ifeanyi October 20, 2023   Dwyane Wade did not want to start a company with his wife, Gabrielle Union-Wade. The power couple has a number of businesses between them, ranging from wine and snack foods to haircare and lifestyle brands. But last year, the two launched their first joint venture, Proudly, a … Continue reading Would you and your spouse make good business partners? Dwyane Wade was nervous about working with Gabrielle Union-Wade

B2B social media ‘sweet spots’: What’s working and what’s not

Explore strategic vs. haphazard approaches in B2B social media and how the best-in-class companies are finding their “sweet spot.” Scott Gillum on October 11, 2023 Never has the expression, “Don’t confuse activity for performance,” rang truer than in B2B social media programs.  You can divide organizations into two buckets based on their approach to social … Continue reading B2B social media ‘sweet spots’: What’s working and what’s not

Generative AI could free up 1/3 of your working hours. These 13 sectors will be most impacted

  By Michael Grothaus July 26, 2023 The McKinsey Global Institute has just released a report in which it explores, among other things, how generative AI technologies like ChatGPT may affect employment and work in America by 2030. The report will be a relief to many as it suggests that generative AI will likely not … Continue reading Generative AI could free up 1/3 of your working hours. These 13 sectors will be most impacted