Category Archives: Employee Retention

Worried your employees want to quit? Here’s an easy way to increase engagement

Giving workers the chance to explore different roles and challenges can drive engagement and build stronger teams. BY Alix McCabe Employee satisfaction is plummeting, and businesses are struggling to keep their talent engaged and fulfilled. Research by Gallup shows that 51% of employees are actively looking for other work. While the top reason for this trend … Continue reading Worried your employees want to quit? Here’s an easy way to increase engagement

This is the kind of leader who makes employees want to go above and beyond

July 21, 2024 This is the kind of leader who makes employees want to go above and beyond Employees who trust and respect their bosses, who find their jobs fulfilling, and who feel part of a worthwhile enterprise have no reason to subvert authority or disrupt the smooth workings of their company.  BY Yonason Goldson You’re … Continue reading This is the kind of leader who makes employees want to go above and beyond

About a third of employees have faced bullying at work—here’s how to recognize and deal with it

  By The Conversation February 08, 2024 The phenomenon of bullying, harassment, and sexual abuse in workplaces throughout North America is widespread and harmful to both individuals and organizations. In fact, bullying at work affects up to 30% of workers over time. As practitioners and researchers who study workplace violence, including bullying, harassment, and sexual abuse, we define workplace … Continue reading About a third of employees have faced bullying at work—here’s how to recognize and deal with it

Generative AI could free up 1/3 of your working hours. These 13 sectors will be most impacted

  By Michael Grothaus July 26, 2023 The McKinsey Global Institute has just released a report in which it explores, among other things, how generative AI technologies like ChatGPT may affect employment and work in America by 2030. The report will be a relief to many as it suggests that generative AI will likely not … Continue reading Generative AI could free up 1/3 of your working hours. These 13 sectors will be most impacted

The biggest mistake leaders make when someone resigns—and what to do instead

By Mita Mallick January 30, 2023 “You’re resigning?” My former manager had bellowed into the phone. “After everything I have done for you! How can you resign and do this to me?” He continued to shout at me for a few more minutes. Until I finally was able to interrupt him and squeeze in a, … Continue reading The biggest mistake leaders make when someone resigns—and what to do instead

We all know about ‘quiet quitting.’ Now there’s ‘quiet firing,’ too

By Stephanie Vozza September 16, 2022 Quiet quitting isn’t the only “quiet” trend; quiet firing is happening, too, and it’s been going on for a long time. Instead of properly managing an employee, bosses shirk their duties and hope they’ll quit. And in some cases, they may be pushing their employees out the door without … Continue reading We all know about ‘quiet quitting.’ Now there’s ‘quiet firing,’ too

Why even your best employees are burned out—and what to do

By Danica Lo     June 15, 2022 It’s been six years since psychologist and University of Pennsylvania Professor Angela Duckworth published her bestseller Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. After more than two years of behavioral and societal shifts that have drastically altered cultural values around work and achievement (see: the Great Resignation), … Continue reading Why even your best employees are burned out—and what to do