Tag Archives: Interactive

Keep Your Viewer’s Attention: 5 Types of Interactive Video to Create Today

by Shannon Murphy May 5, 2016May 5, 2016 Confession: I downloaded your PDF, but I probably didn’t read it. Chances are I skimmed it and then became distracted by one of the other 20 tabs I have open. Communication habits are changing. We want bite-sized, to-the-point content, preferably on-demand. As a result, audience insight, appropriate … Continue reading Keep Your Viewer’s Attention: 5 Types of Interactive Video to Create Today

6 Effective Ways to Manage a Successful Interactive Conference

by Karol Kopanko March 11, 2016March 11, 2016 With our world becoming increasingly more digital every day, we need to become accustomed to interactive conferences. Online events are fast becoming an easily accessible way to improve your personal brand, deliver a one-of-a-kind experience to your audience and connect with influential people. Plus, digital interaction at … Continue reading 6 Effective Ways to Manage a Successful Interactive Conference

What Marketers and Advertisers Need to Know About Interactive Video

by Erika Trautman March 10, 2016 Follow @raptmediaMarch 10, 2016 Interactive video is an innovative approach to marketing that can increase audience engagement, especially among millennials. Major brands like Toyota, Warner Bros. Pictures, and Deloitte are beginning to catch on, dipping their toes into the sea of possibilities this technology represents. Still, many in marketing … Continue reading What Marketers and Advertisers Need to Know About Interactive Video

4 Simple Styling Tips For Creating Stunning Interactive Video

by Martin Stubbs November 27, 2015November 27, 2015 Video is a storytelling medium. Done right, it’s a powerful way to sell your brand in a concise and highly engaging manner. But could you take it a step further? SnapApp’s interactive video Builder is a great way to drive even further engagement from your video content. … Continue reading 4 Simple Styling Tips For Creating Stunning Interactive Video

5 Case Studies: Using Interactive Content in Social Media

by Elizabeth Wellington November 24, 2015November 24, 2015 What does your content marketing process look like? For many marketers, it goes “idea–>create–>publish–>promote.” While “promote” might be last on that list, it shouldn’t be last in your mind – it makes the rest of the journey worth your while. What’s the use of spending your time … Continue reading 5 Case Studies: Using Interactive Content in Social Media

Why Interactive Video Is Set To Be 2016’s “Big Thing”

Marcelo Garcia CisnerosOctober 6, 2015 Working in the technology world and the advertising industry has taught me that there is always something new on the market that is predicted to be the next “big thing.” One new advertising trend that will live up to it’s predicted status as the next “big thing” is interactive video … Continue reading Why Interactive Video Is Set To Be 2016’s “Big Thing”

Building an Interactive MarTech Landscape from the Buyer’s Perspective

Scott VaughanSeptember 25, 2015 Marketing Technology has become an important weapon in the quest to discover, engage and delight customers. While marketers try to sort through their needs and identify what and with whom to invest in, it seems like every week there’s a new landscape or “MarTech stack” produced by a vendor or industry … Continue reading Building an Interactive MarTech Landscape from the Buyer’s Perspective

Interactive Videos: Choose Your Own Engagement Rate

Jerry MelicharAugust 5, 2015 You already know you need video. You’ve likely committed a significant amount of your marketing budget to creating a steady stream of content and optimizing your YouTube channel in an effort to increase organic viewership. But here’s an important question to ask. Let’s say you’re getting decent impressions and views. How … Continue reading Interactive Videos: Choose Your Own Engagement Rate