Tag Archives: Getting

Preparing people for Customer Journey Orchestration: Getting started on CJO

How to get ready to implement customer journey orchestration. First: think about the people involved. Greg Kihlstrom on September 21, 2022 Customer Journey Orchestration (CJO) offers brands the ability to create omnichannel personalized experiences for consumers, which increases the likelihood of both initial conversions and long-term loyalty.  Doing this well requires a combination of people, … Continue reading Preparing people for Customer Journey Orchestration: Getting started on CJO

Setting up goals: Getting started with Google Analytics 4

Universal Analytics’ goals are called conversions in GA4. Here’s how to organize them. Constantine von Hoffman on September 19, 2022 In Universal Analytics goals measure a completed activity. These are user defined and can be things like making a purchase, completing a game level or submitting contact information. In Google Analytics 4 goals are now … Continue reading Setting up goals: Getting started with Google Analytics 4

Getting started with Google Analytics 4: Redefine success

GA4 isn’t about page views — it’s about different types of trackable events which provide actionable data.. Constantine von Hoffman on September 14, 2022  The arrival of Google Analytics 4 has people understandably nervous. Using its increased capabilities means learning new processes and thinking about things in new ways. We’re here to help. Working with … Continue reading Getting started with Google Analytics 4: Redefine success

Partnering: Getting Started with the Agile Marketing Navigator

Learn about the benefits of the key practice of Partnering. Stacey Ackerman on September 8, 2022 We recently introduced you to the Agile Marketing Navigator, a flexible framework for navigating agile marketing for marketers, by marketers in the article A new way to navigate agile marketing. The navigator has four major components: Collaborative Planning Workshop, Launch Cycle, … Continue reading Partnering: Getting Started with the Agile Marketing Navigator

Waste Removal: Getting started with the Agile Marketing Navigator

Waste prevents work getting done in an agile and efficient way. Here’s how to remove it. Stacey Ackerman on September 1, 2022 We recently introduced you to the Agile Marketing Navigator, a flexible framework for navigating agile marketing for marketers, by marketers in the article A new way to navigate agile marketing. The navigator has four major … Continue reading Waste Removal: Getting started with the Agile Marketing Navigator

Best practices for getting started with AI

Companies don’t have to start from scratch to begin experimenting with artificial intelligence. Chris Wood on September 1, 2022 Artificial intelligence (AI) adds efficiency to any number of marketing applications, from content to conversational chatbots. For organizations looking to harness these capabilities, here are some ways to get started. “You do not, and should not, … Continue reading Best practices for getting started with AI

Why getting rid of this mindset can help you succeed in any negotiation

  By Stephanie Vozza   August 25, 2022     When you go into a negotiation, it’s natural to want to win. It can be uncomfortable to back down or give up something, but having an either/or mentality can hinder what’s possible, says Wendy Smith, coauthor of Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your … Continue reading Why getting rid of this mindset can help you succeed in any negotiation

Cycle Time: Getting started with the Agile Marketing Navigator

Gaining visibility into all the steps involved in a marketing task sets you up to eliminate inefficiencies. Stacey Ackerman on August 25, 2022 In recent articles we covered the Collaborative Planning Workshop and the Launch Cycle. Now we’re going to dive into the fourth of our 6 Key Practices: Cycle Time. Is work taking too long … Continue reading Cycle Time: Getting started with the Agile Marketing Navigator