Category Archives: Marketing Agility

4 common pitfalls in failed agile marketing transformations (and how to avoid them)

To truly transform a marketing department to agile, you’ll want to watch out for the common failure points that have hindered other companies. Stacey Ackerman on January 3, 2024 Transforming your marketing department from a traditional model to an agile one is not an easy journey. Still, it can be accomplished if you avoid the … Continue reading 4 common pitfalls in failed agile marketing transformations (and how to avoid them)

3 reasons marketers are 10 years behind with agile — and how to catch up

Why marketers have shown resistance to agile frameworks for their work — and how to overcome that resistance. Stacey Ackerman on March 8, 2023 I recently had an epiphany about agile marketing. We’re 10 years behind our software counterparts! That may not be surprising, as agile marketing started about 10 years after it did in … Continue reading 3 reasons marketers are 10 years behind with agile — and how to catch up