How to Strategically Engage Your Audience to Expand Your Social Media Biosphere

There are millions of social media users. There are over four billion daily internet users. These days it’s vital to business growth and longevity to have a social media presence. But just being on social media isn’t enough.

Over the years, I’ve known countless business owners who set up their social media account under the Field of Dreams mentality. Do you remember that fan-favorite movie? If not, here’s a recap. A farmer (played by Kevin Costner) is tending to his crops when he hears a mysterious voice from the cornfield that says, “if you build it, he will come.” Long story short, the farmer listens to the voice and builds a baseball diamond in the middle of his cornfield. Eventually this magical baseball field becomes populated by the spirits of great players who come back to the land of the living just to play ball. Once the word gets out, people start coming in droves to watch these legends in action.

That’s the difference between movie magic and real life. In the movies we always get that desirable happy ending. However, that isn’t necessarily the case in real life. Sure, anybody can start a business but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be profitable. Likewise, anybody can create a social media profile for online visibility but that doesn’t mean that people are automatically going to “like,” “follow,” or “subscribe” just because your page exists online.

You’re going to need to put a strategy in place and this is where I can help you.

First things first. If you’re expecting people to pay for your services and products, then it’s up to you to provide solid proof that you are deserving of their hard-earned money. You can start doing this by positioning yourself as a recognized and trusted expert. Let them see that you take your business seriously. Project this air of professionalism in your branding, image, and messaging.

Here are three ways to optimize your social media strategy and start building your online biosphere.

  • Get Clear on Your Audience
    Where can you find your audience?
    Where do these people hang out online?
    Which channels are they primarily using?
    Can you find them easily?There are so many social media platforms to choose from that it’s easy to get lost and confused. Remember, you don’t need to be on every single platform. Unless you have a big marketing, budget and can afford to have a large team of people managing multiple accounts then focus your attention where it matters most. Master one platform before moving on. Don’t be a jack of all trades.
  • Engage with Your Audience
    There’s nothing worse than seeing a business failing to interact with its audience. (Okay – there are worse business practices and faux pas to be guilty of, but this is still pretty bad.) Spend A few minutes each day responding to comments, answering questions, and building relationships with your audience. Don’t become fixated on the numbers. Focus on quality over quantity. I see a lot of entrepreneurs complaining that they don’t have enough followers. These people want thousands of followers while ignoring the hundred of people already there. If you can’t speak to a small room, then you’ll never be able to communicate to a packed arena.
  • Be Yourself
    Authenticity goes a long way. Don’t mimic others. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Just be yourself. It’ll make things so much simpler than trying to maintain a façade just to impress others.

Incorporate these three tips into your social media strategy and make it a regular practice. You don’t need to be on social media all day long. Manage your time wisely. Engaging with your audience a few minutes a day will go a long way to building a strong online following and community.

This article originally posted on my blog

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Rich Perry

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