Discovering Leadership Inspiration in Conscious Business Practices

The concept of conscious business is becoming increasingly popular as more people recognise the transformational results that can be achieved when implementing its practices. Leadership conventions have been impacted by its heart-led style, causing many more people to adopt such an approach.

Discovering Leadership Inspiration in Conscious Business Practices

Leaders are primarily attracted to the conscious business practice of applying focus to values, both those of the company and its employees. They reveal what the company stands for and how it is serving its customers. You will typically find values such as authenticity, care, compassion and empathy. A leader in a conscious business becomes wholly aligned to these behaviours, knowing that they will have a positive impact on the company and its customers. By embodying what is in effect the essence of the company, leaders will inspire the team members to also take on these values.

Transparency is another important aspect of a conscious business. Sharing information such as the vision and goals of an organisation allows the whole company to buy in to them and ensure they are aligned with every action. Leaders are aware that this helps to unite a company. When everyone is working toward the same result, they will achieve it faster and with more ease. Providing regular reminders of the organisation’s vision and goals will therefore keep everyone on track.

In order to share information and effectively support the team, leaders must have great communication skills. They should be clear and precise in their message, being considerate of what is required by the audience. Understanding that people absorb information in different ways also affects communication. Whilst many people can happily take on written information, some people are more visual, whereas others prefer to hear. There are even people who absorb information kinetically, so they move to process material. Conscious leaders consider the learning style of their audience to ensure everyone receives the same message. In a key presentation this would usually entail using a combination of written words, images and spoken words. It will result in the audience taking the appropriate action, so they move toward the common goal.

Just like any other business, a conscious business faces new challenges every day. Leaders are aware that if someone isn’t feeling at their best, these challenges can overwhelm them. That’s why conscious leaders look for ways to create a positive mindset in all team members. Treating people with compassion and empathy, listening to what they have to say, and highlighting the traits they already possess which prove they are capable of overcoming the challenge before them will provide team members with the drive to conquer any obstacle. And when your team feels unstoppable, the solutions they co-create can take your company to the next level.

The morale of the team is factor tracked by a conscious leader, as it is directly linked to productivity. When your team’s morale is high, they will produce better results at a faster rate. Many companies see team building exercises as a way to improve team morale, yet one of the simplest and most effective ways to do this is to teach the team how they can help others. After all, when we help others, we feel good about ourselves. Create an environment where it’s safe to share ideas and encourage the team to really understand and care about the client’s problem so their proposed solution over-delivers. When they see how they are contributing to the success of their company and the client’s company, it will motivate them further.

Motivation impacts the success of a company as a motivated team will put in more effort to achieve the goal. Great leaders find out what drives each team member and makes it possible. Does the team member appreciate recognition? Are they motivated by a challenge? Do they like to learn new things? Perhaps they would like to teach others. Taking the time to understand this will lead to happier, more fulfilled team members, benefiting each person and the company as a whole.

Conscious leaders are very aware of the effect of their decisions on others and in all situations look for a win/win solution. They also teach their team to do the same. This is yet another approach adopted by conscious businesses to promote a positive way of being and can be applied to both negotiations and issue resolutions. It makes the person you are connecting with feel valued. They automatically wish to reciprocate the good will which leads to great results. Perhaps at a later date a team member agrees to put time aside to work on a special project for you or a customer is so impressed by the service you have provided that they go out of their way to bring you new customers.

All great leaders know that they will not get anywhere without having a great team around them, so take the time to invest in their team. By teaching them conscious business practices, the team are provided with the tools and opportunity to grow. They learn behaviours around the treatment of others which they can use to enhance all areas of their life. They will grow in confidence and be more willing to take on new challenges. In fact, when you are an open and honest leader who puts the concerns of the team first, you will naturally instil leadership qualities in your team.

This article touches on just some of the aspects of conscious business that have inspired people to embody selfless leadership traits. Conscious business practices that have led to more awareness around how actions affect people, always promoting behaviours that will lead to the betterment of others and so forging leaders who build teams that cannot fail to succeed. Which aspects of conscious business will you implement in your company?

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Author: Lucy Spencer

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