Be Twitter Vigilant – Help Twitter Get Rid of Fake Accounts

September 21, 2015

twitter vigilant header-min

Are you annoyed also of fake followers? Although there are lots of articles about getting rid of these accounts but it still exists. And we all know that they have various reasons but still it keeps clogging our social media account especially on our Twitter account. This post was actually created to boost more awareness on how to get rid those fake accounts. We all know that Twitter ‘s support team is doing their best to clean fake accounts for optimal user experience but there are still profiles which can’t sweep away from being active in the community. That is why as tweeple who are with them to promote a helpful community; we should do our part to help them determine which accounts should not exist.

The Easiest Way to Spot them

see the twitter bio

Hint #1: Spot those Accounts having the Same Twitter Bios.

See the above image, where in you will simply find out that they have the same bios, of course the we all know that each of one of us is unique, so if it’s a real account who love to have the same bio as the other users, simply it can be easily caught as fake accounts.

Hint #2: Spot those Accounts having the headers.

This is actually base on our experience, wherein everyday there is always a fake account following our handle. You can easily determine it because it only uses 1 header for all accounts. The bio varies but the owner may just be rotating it to multiple accounts.

see the twitter header

Hint #3: Use Tools to UNCOVER them

You can use the followerwonk, just key the bio that you have suspected to be “salesly” or “spammy” like for example below, I have in the followerwonk’s bio section this bio: “we will provide 10,000 Folowers to your Twitter Account with cheapest rate” or see it below.

See the twiiter bio using followerwonk

Hint #4: You can Simply use Twitter Search to SEE Similar Account.

Same on how you use the followerwonk, only that you will key in the generic or something salesly bio like below, I found this bio because I’ve my followers , and when I search it on the search bar, I have found the following: Get 5k followers only $ 29 and “eureka I have found out similar accounts:

using the twitter search to spot spammy account

Reasons why you can’t easily determine fake accounts:

sample fake twitter account

  1. They are customizing their profiles, using pictures of couple, selfies and other images used by real accounts in Twitter
  2. They are using complete name – first name and last name
  3. They have a good following ratio.
  4. They have a complete profile – including location and website.
  5. They are having a variation of tweets – posting quotes, doing retweets like normal people would do.
  6. They don’t follow each other

Look keener

  1. The username they are using doesn’t match their names – mostly using random letters which humans can’t literally understand.
  2. They are using similar headers – you can determine it easily when you view their profile first.
  3. Don’t follow them back for the sake that you can add ONE follower on your number.

Why you shouldn’t entertain these fakers:

  1. You are giving them the freedom to send you DM (with links, promo)
  2. The link they are posting is UNSAFE. If you love your PC/device don’t let these links mix your timeline.

Twitter Link Warning3. They won’t help your business. They can’t add on your engagement. They can’t be your conversion.

4. Social media is meant for real human.

Why Opt for Real Followers:

  1. Real Interactions count because you are assured that you are delivering your messages to the right people especially if they are your targeted audiences.
  2. Twitter Following is not all about numbers. Thinks about this, an account has 1 million followers but only hundred are active doing retweets or engaging with your content and the rest are not real accounts, while the other 1 has only 1,000 followers but have 600 active audiences sharing, retweeting and interacting with the account, so which is a winning account?
  3. Real Followers are the best brand ambassadors and actually it’s better to build a community of brand ambassadors. If they have great experience with your product or service they will sure love to share it with their families and friends or even to people they know.

Our Role in Helping Twitter

One of the best traffic referral is Twitter and if we continue to allow fakers exist in the community, we might lose other benefits we can have. Do your part. Block and report fakers.

1. Check their profile.

And it must have the following:

  • Authentic name.
  • Matches Username.
  • Great Headshot.
  • Decent Header.
  • Useful Tweets.
  • Not talktative (not retweeting/twitter every minute).

2. The Final Move, Report the fake profiles/engagement to them: or identified for fake engagement:

Overall by being twitter vigilant, we can help in creating a community for real engagement. And if this would happen we can help in saving our time and effort from being wasted. We don’t want to end up tweeting to fakers which in turn tweeting to mannequins, no one will responds on your tweets. So, it’s time to move and make Twitter a place for real engagement.

Have some thoughts? Please share it below. If you need some help don’t hesitate to connect with me.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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