8 Small Wins In Every Social Media Analyst’s Day

August 6, 2015

Being a social media analyst can sometimes be thankless. You look at way too many spreadsheets and juggle a lot more numbers than humanly handleable. While you slog your day off discovering amazing patterns in the data, your boss mostly dismisses them as “not insightful enough”.

However, here are a few of the most rewarding moments social media analysts experience.

1. When the numbers have been looking good


2. When the creative team finally listens to your suggestions


3. And even get great engagement thanks to you


4. When your colleague takes a look at what you’re doing and goes “Woah! I can’t imagine how you make any sense out of all that data”


5. That moment when the senior person asks for Excel help ‘cuz you’re the only one who knows how to do pivot tables


6. When you walk into the office in the morning and realize you have a new data entry intern who you can unload all your data dumping to


7. When you switch the data to be relative from empirical and vice versa depending on which one makes you look better


And best of all…

8. In the meeting when your boss was so impressed by the data you just explained that they forgot to ask that one dreaded question *cough* ROI *cough*


Or better…

9. When you finally finish that massive report you’ve been working on for days and then decide to cc everyone so they can see how awesome you are


If your role requires you to be analysing and reporting social media performance, you know putting together the insightful PPT is no piece of cake. Unmetric’s reporting engine auto-creates awesome Powepoint and Excel reports, downloadable in seconds, to present at the next meeting.

To get a preview of the amazing reports you could generate and all the customization you’d be privy to, you can sign up for a trial or demo here. It’ll save you a ton of time.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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