Tips for Email Marketing

October 13, 2015

Email Marketing

How often do you check out of a store and get asked for your email address? Pretty often, I’d wager. Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your customers, but there are several things you want to keep in mind when crafting your plan.

How Often They’re Sent

Consistency is a good thing when it comes to content generation, but that doesn’t mean you want to be constantly emailing your customers. I’m guilty of signing up for too many email lists, but there are some companies who email me every day, and some email more than once a day! Those almost always get ignored and eventually deleted. Ad fatigue is when a customer becomes so used to seeing your ad that they no longer see it. Email fatigue is the same.

Less Is More

You may be keen to pack as much information into an email as possible. Here’s your chance to reach your customer, you’ve got their attention! But don’t overdo things. Ever open a link to an article, see that it is six pages long, and immediately decide you don’t feel like reading the whole thing? The same can be true with marketing emails. Time is a rare commodity. Be succinct, say enough to pique their interest, and allow them to seek further information from your website.

Keep It Simple

Just as you don’t want to overload your customers’ eyes with excessive information, you don’t want to overload them visually, either. Don’t go crazy with multiple fonts or crazy colors. This email is an extension of your brand, and you want it properly represented.

Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your customer. With some extra thought you can go from inbox clutter to an inbox star!

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