Tag Archives: Validate

B2B Email Marketing – 10 Signals It’s Time To Validate

April Paige November 23, 2021 Email validation isn’t just for consumer marketers. B2B email marketers also need to be sure their lists are accurate, up to date and free of spam traps, low-value addresses and other potential dangers. The stakes have never been higher for today’s B2B marketers: Personalization – Today’s recipients, especially high-value prospects … Continue reading B2B Email Marketing – 10 Signals It’s Time To Validate

Opportunity Discovery Canvas – How to Validate Potential Solutions

Steven Imke — June 1, 2020 Problems are often opportunities in disguise and entrepreneurs are the problem solvers who have the ability to identify problems and find solutions. With funding provided by the Kauffman Foundation, Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative, LLC has developed a tool called the Opportunity Discovery Canvas. During periods of global disruption or such … Continue reading Opportunity Discovery Canvas – How to Validate Potential Solutions

You Need to Validate Your Assumptions Before You Execute the Plan

Steven Imke — November 13, 2019 Follow @SteveImke http://media.blubrry.com/stevessmallbusinesspodcast/ksient.com/learnaboutoilandgas/BizBlog/Podcasts-mp3-files/032015.mp3 When it comes to business, too many first time entrepreneurs spend too much time at the outset sitting at a computer and planning and not enough time in the field testing their business plan’s assumptions. For many first time entrepreneurs, business planning is seen as a … Continue reading You Need to Validate Your Assumptions Before You Execute the Plan

How To Validate the True Value of an Instagram Influencer (and Avoid the Pods)

Sahail Ashraf — August 31, 2017 Follow @BizGrowInsights — August 31, 2017 Influencers are becoming harder to find. There is a good reason for this. As the phenomenon took off, people realised that influencers could be defined in many different ways. In fact, common sense methods dominated. Influencers with relatively small follower numbers (compared to, … Continue reading How To Validate the True Value of an Instagram Influencer (and Avoid the Pods)

4 Innovative Ways Marketers Analyze and Validate Phone Lead Quality

by Jonathon ByrdOctober 1, 2016 Over the past few years, call attribution has quickly become one of the most widely adopted martech solutions. From fortune 50 companies to small businesses, they’ve continually embraced the value of phone calls by attributing millions of offline conversions back to the sources that drive them. Today, marketers are looking … Continue reading 4 Innovative Ways Marketers Analyze and Validate Phone Lead Quality

How You Can Use Landing Pages to Validate Your Product Idea

by Kevin Ho May 28, 2016May 28, 2016 You’re an entrepreneur. The only problem is you don’t have a business. You read post after post online about how companies grow to multimillion dollar stardom. Their founders smile at you from the cover of magazines telling you things like “focus on building a great team” and … Continue reading How You Can Use Landing Pages to Validate Your Product Idea