Tag Archives: Impactful

5 impactful ways to level up your email marketing designs

Craft bespoke email designs to stand out in crowded inboxes. Let your brand’s voice shine through with unique layouts. Alexander Melone on March 15, 2024 Turning to templates might seem the most prudent option when it comes to delivering eye-catching emails, especially when deadlines are fast approaching. However, as I’ve seen from working on thousands … Continue reading 5 impactful ways to level up your email marketing designs

5 Strategies to Become A More Impactful, Buyer-Driven Marketing Org

In B2B, the buyer is in charge. It’s time to adopt buyer-driven marketing strategies Scott Vaughan on May 3, 2021 It’s fall 2022. We’ve moved past the lockdown and are in a bar with a group of marketing peers at an industry event reflecting on the past few years and all the transformation B2B marketing … Continue reading 5 Strategies to Become A More Impactful, Buyer-Driven Marketing Org

Google My Business Optimization: 5 Tips for an Impactful Profile

Jennifer Lyons February 25, 2021 In the modern digitally-driven world, it is no surprise that visibility on Google is key to your success as a business. While many businesses know to focus on Search Engine Optimization tools and Google ads, you may be missing an essential step: Google My Business optimization. Your Google My Business … Continue reading Google My Business Optimization: 5 Tips for an Impactful Profile

The Two Most Impactful 2020 Product Management Trends

Madeleine Wilson — January 31, 2020 With digital transformation and customer experience at the forefront of most enterprise brand strategies in 2020, product-focused roles are changing drastically. Executive teams recognize the critical role product and road mapping can play in the overall customer experience. Therefore, product managers and product leaders have seen a large increase … Continue reading The Two Most Impactful 2020 Product Management Trends

3 ways customer data drives more impactful brand experiences

Fostering customer trust and creating a plan for physical and digital stores to co-exist are important strategies to leverage. Mike Sands on December 20, 2018   As marketers, we love to talk about consumers as if they are another species — unique, complicated, demanding and fickle creatures we spend our days (and budgets) trying to understand, … Continue reading 3 ways customer data drives more impactful brand experiences

The Importance of Social Proof: Leveraging the Most Impactful Sales Tool

Wesley Cherisien — January 4, 2017 — January 4, 2017 Before buying a product, going to a new restaurant, or visiting a destination, what’s the first thing we do? Read reviews. We scour the Internet, talk to friends and read articles before we make any decisions. This is the power of social proof. Before we … Continue reading The Importance of Social Proof: Leveraging the Most Impactful Sales Tool