Tag Archives: Emotions

AI Emotions In Ads And Content: Will Consumers Embrace It?

AI Emotions In Ads And Content: Will Consumers Embrace It? by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, May 15, 2024 Google, Microsoft and OpenAI showed the world how artificial intelligence (AI) will highlight emotions as the technology develops. It will rely not only on the training of large language models (LLMs), but also on publicly available … Continue reading AI Emotions In Ads And Content: Will Consumers Embrace It?

3 Strategies to Manage Your Emotions and Regain Focus

Amy Drader October 16, 2021 Man vector created by vectorjuice – www.freepik.com We’ve all been there. “Something bad” happens at work or at home. It doesn’t matter what. It could be a disagreement, a missed deadline, a betrayal, or another irritation from that person who irritates you most. When this happens, it can derail most … Continue reading 3 Strategies to Manage Your Emotions and Regain Focus

7 ways emotional intelligence can help us manage negative emotions

By Harvey Deutschendorf August 21, 2020 With COVID-19, the typical negative emotions we encounter while going about our lives have been exacerbated. We may have lost our jobs, businesses, or fear we will lose them. Worries about paying rent, staying healthy, and taking care of our families have eclipsed the concerns that many of us … Continue reading 7 ways emotional intelligence can help us manage negative emotions

The Different Types of Emotions and How They Impact Human Behavior

Hutch Morzaria — December 4, 2019 Follow @cxmaster As we have already seen in our previous articles, human behavior affects organizational growth. In this article, we are going to talk about what I’ve learned about how emotions affect human behavior. There are different types of emotions that can influence the way we live and talk … Continue reading The Different Types of Emotions and How They Impact Human Behavior

2 Emotions That Affect Every Business Decision You Make

David Amerland — February 7, 2019 Follow @davidamerland — February 7, 2019 The brain is designed to look out at the world and formulate models that help it reduce uncertainty. Uncertainty due to unreliable or incomplete information affects behavior and increases the sense of fear we experience. Fear has a distinct neurochemical effect. It is … Continue reading 2 Emotions That Affect Every Business Decision You Make

The Business of the Brain on the Internet: How to Tactfully Use Emotions to Influence Others

by Erika Dickstein July 1, 2016 Follow @springinsightJuly 1, 2016 Have you ever spotted a super cute top hanging in a storefront window only to walk by that same window day after day without setting foot in the store? Maybe the top is a little pricey or too heavy for the warm weather your area … Continue reading The Business of the Brain on the Internet: How to Tactfully Use Emotions to Influence Others

The science of viral content: Why certain emotions ignite social engagement

Columnist Kerry Jones digs into new research on the role of arousal and dominance in viral sharing. Kerry Jones on June 22, 2016     If you’re looking to attract high engagement through content marketing, it’s essential to understand why people choose to share and interact with content. New research suggests that it’s not just … Continue reading The science of viral content: Why certain emotions ignite social engagement