Tag Archives: Change

Business leaders are too fixated on disruption instead of meaningful change

April 23, 2024 Business leaders are too fixated on disruption instead of meaningful change ‘People don’t care if it’s new. They care if it’s better,’ says the cofounder of the London creative agency, Without. ‘Sometimes, the route to success is simply doing something timeless really, really well.’ BY Philip Koh Flicking through the fundraising pitch for … Continue reading Business leaders are too fixated on disruption instead of meaningful change

A baby born this year could lose $1 million over their lifetime because of climate change

April 16, 2024 A baby born this year could lose $1 million over their lifetime because of climate change Climate change is already costing you money. But for the average American born in 2024, the costs will be even higher, according to a new study from Consumer Reports and ICF. BY Adele Peters A baby born … Continue reading A baby born this year could lose $1 million over their lifetime because of climate change

How AI for lip dubbing could change the film industry

By Burt Helm November 19, 2023 In Hollywood, big money is getting lost in translation. Sure, the global entertainment business is synced up like never before. Marvel blockbusters captivate audiences in China. Korean directors score one coup after another in the U.S. Streaming development executives now scour foreign markets to bring home the next Squid … Continue reading How AI for lip dubbing could change the film industry

How The Physics Of Carbon Neutral Will Change The Ad Industry

As Ad Industry Moves To Reduce Carbon Footprint, Prices Expected To Rise by Laurie Sullivan , Staff Writer @lauriesullivan, September 28, 2023 California governor Gavin Newsom says he will sign legislation that would require large companies to disclose their carbon footprints, potentially putting the state ahead of federal regulators on managing corporate climate risks. The State … Continue reading How The Physics Of Carbon Neutral Will Change The Ad Industry