Recruitment Tips For Your Small Business

— August 9, 2019

Recruitment for a lot of small businesses is key to growing revenue and profits. Recruiting the right people can expand service offerings and free up time for certain areas of your business that is hampering growth. In this post I am going to give you some tips for your recruitment efforts having worked alongside many recruitment agencies around the world.

Recruitment Tips For Your Small Business

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Analyse The Gaps In Business Processes

If your current staff are working at capacity, you need to analyse whether or not the processes in your business is working effectively.

Are you retaining clients? If not, perhaps you need to hire in the area of customer service.

Have all the necessary documentation been submitted within the necessary timelines, like tax documentation? If not, maybe you need an admin person to free up the compliance side of your business.

Are your sales and leads declining? Maybe you need an in house marketing person.

These are the types of questions that you need to be asking yourself and higher management to ensure that you recruit new staff for reasons that are right for your business.

Once you identify the organisational needs of your business, you can start the hiring process.

Starting The Hiring Process

The hiring process can take time depending on your requirements. Looking for a new staff member with experience in the particular area that you need can be difficult to find, where a general job requirement with little experience necessary will attract a lot of applications.

Using A Recruitment Agency

A recruitment agency that is focused on one industry has benefits including the fact that they are most likely to give you applicants. Another benefit with working with a specialist recruitment agency is that they speak your language. They are more likely to understand your needs and to deliver.

The downside to working with specialist recruitment companies is that they are generally more expensive than using a general recruitment company or advertising on a website.

Using A Jobs Website

There are lots of job advertisement websites on the internet today. Most of the popular job advertising websites will cost you money, others are ad supported and free, however results will certainly vary. You will usually find better results coming from the main paid websites as they are usually the most prominent on search engines and get lots of daily reviews.

Recruitment Software

There are recruitment software solutions available to businesses who wish to manage recruitment efforts on an ongoing basis. Such solutions allow businesses to attract new talent, send out screening surveys, arrange interviews and more. Such solutions are useful for businesses who have a recruitment plan over a number of years and help them achieve their targets.

Key Points To Think About When Recruiting

There are a number of points that you must consider when you are recruiting. Namely remember to hire people based on how best you think they fit into your company. Sometimes experience does not necessarily mean a person will be a good fit in terms of how they work with your current team and if their work ethic matches your requirements.

As mentioned above the recruitment process takes time. This is not something that you should rush into. If you hire the right person, they money you spend on their salary will be an investment, however, hire the wrong person and they become a cost.

Have clear goals on what you want in a new hire and recruit accordingly.

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Author: Joseph Doohan

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