How to Get More Engagement From Your Thank-You Page

Marketing is a complex world with plenty of unique opportunities to get people engaged with your brand. When thinking about the various tools and strategies at your disposal, things can get overwhelming. It’s easy to overlook shockingly simple ways to drive more traffic to your website and boost sales.

We want to talk about an excellent marketing tool that far too many business owners ignore; their thank you page. You can use thank you pages to encourage users to spend more time with your company and become loyal customers.

First, we will go over the definition of a thank you page and provide several examples. After exploring the basics, we will show you four powerful ways to get more engagement when thanking your visitors.

What is a Thank You Page?

A thank you page is a screen that appears when a person takes a specific action across one or more of your marketing channels. So, you would want to show a thank you page after someone subscribes to your email list.

You’ll also want to use thank you pages when a user places their order and becomes a paying customer. Thanking them for their order can boost brand loyalty, which will improve your retention rate and long-term sales.

Thank you pages are also crucial for social media marketing. Including a small token of your appreciation could result in users sharing your content and cause an explosion of new followers and engagement.

Essentially, a thank you page is designed to show customers that you appreciate their time and to guide them towards your products, services, and content. Your suggestions should address pain points, help users meet goals, and amplify your brand’s value.

Now that you know when to thank your customers let’s talk about specific strategies you can use to boost brand engagement from these pages.

Ask for Push Notification Subscriptions

While thanking users for engaging with your website, we suggest asking them to sign up for push notifications. These alerts have become increasingly helpful as more users get their hands on mobile devices. Currently, 5.16 billion people use smartphones, and that number is expected to grow over the next several years.

You can use push notifications to let customers know about your latest blog post, promotions, and more. The best part about these alerts is that you can personalize them to meet each person’s needs, which means there’s a greater chance for engagement.

So, if someone was browsing your store and looking at one type of product, you can send them a push alert with more relevant offers in that category. Across all industries, the average subscription rate for single-step optins is 16%. If you can get 16% more people to sign up for more offers from your business, you would likely see an increase in sales and traffic.

The key to getting push alert signups from your thank you page is to let users know why they should subscribe. For example, if you send out weekly coupons, you may want to encourage customers to turn on push notifications so they can get updated when your next flash sale goes live.

Encourage Event Registrations

Next, let’s talk about how you can use your thank you page to secure more event registrations. Business leaders and marketing teams are catching up to the needs of consumers and creating diverse video content. Currently, 43% of consumers want more videos from brands, and this trend is growing year over year.

There are quite a few different types of video content you can create. Some brands see tremendous success when they host live webinars on social media. Others see an influx of new traffic and sales when they repurpose their written blog posts into helpful videos. It’s up to you to decide which type of video content will work best for your business at the end of the day.

Once you an event or two planned, you can use your thank you page to get more event registrations. Let’s say someone subscribes to your email list for the first time. When your thank you page pops up, you could include a link to your registration form and a couple of sentences that summarize the benefits of attending your presentation.

If someone is already intrigued enough by your value proposition to subscribe to your email list, there’s a good chance that they will register for your next big event.

Show Off Relevant Content

You can also use your thank you page to get more people to read your blog content. Data shows that 47% of visitors read 3-5 pieces of content from a company before becoming a customer. In some cases, you’ll need to direct users to your best content to get them to take the next step.

If a user takes action on your site that leads to them seeing a thank you page, use this opportunity to direct visitors to your best content. You don’t have to use an entire page to highlight your posts either.

Simply include a section on your thank you page that encourages users to learn more by reading blog posts about the topic that led to them seeing your message. Don’t forget to personalize the content that shows for each person.

For instance, an online pet store would showcase cat-related articles to email subscribers that recently purchased cat products. Learn about your target audience, and make sure you curate content lists for each of your segments. If implemented correctly, you could see a dramatic boost in on-site traffic and engagement.

Amplify Your Online Giveaway

Finally, you can skyrocket social media engagement by including a thank you message on your online giveaways. After someone enters your event, show a screen that thanks them for their time and encourages them to take another action for more chances to enter.

The best way to get more engagement is to ask participants to share your event for more entries. Social media websites across the internet are packed to the brim with people ready and willing to check out your brand. On Instagram alone, there are over 1 billion active monthly users. If you can convince a few people to share your giveaway here, you can expect to see more eyes on your products and services.

You should also know that 43% of people use social media when researching things to buy. If one of these people sees a post shared by a mutual connection, they are likely to check out your brand and could become a customer.

Final Thoughts

Thank you pages are an excellent way to bridge the gap between first-time visitors and long-term customers. The key is to identify where you can strategically use these tips for your business. Think carefully about your existing marketing strategies and when you should thank users for engaging with your brand.

Now, consider how you’ll take those moments and encourage users to take the next step. In virtually every case, direct engagement boils down to how you relay your value proposition. Use your thank you page to amplify your value, and you can expect to see more traffic, sales, and engagement on your website.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Syed Balkhi

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