How Good Writing Can Help Your Small Biz Succeed

September 21, 2015

Every one of us is a writer of some shape or form. From journals to blogs and emails and contracts, writing is a form of expression that we all use everyday whether you realize it or not.

Tapping into this gem of artistic expression doesn’t mean that you have to sit down and outline a New York Times bestselling novel. Simple writing practices can turn mental roadblocks into pathways of new inspiration.

Here are a few ways how:Small business writing


Did you just have a really slow month of sales? Did one of your employees just leave to work for your competitor? Did you encounter a really harsh customer that left you feeling deflated? Write about it.

Open up a blank word document or grab a pen and a notebook and write about what happened and how you are feeling. You could express how you handled the certain situation and look back to it for inspiration. No one has to see what you wrote so there’s no embarrassment factor here- just a private moment with you and your words.

P.S. you don’t always have to write about something negative; your best days can prove to be a catapult into greater reflection down the road.  If something really awesome just happened to you, it could spark your next teaching topic for your small business blog.

Discover Something New

“It still comes as a shock to realize that I don’t write about what I know, but in order to find out what I know,” Patricia Hampl.

Writing can be the unexplored avenue that leads you to unleash your creative juices. I often find when I’m writing about one thing, those words and ideas spark another connection to a different project I’m working on. By assigning words to paper, what you may not realize is that your mind is being stretched to discover your creative expression. Put this to good use.

Feeling super creative and need some inspiration? Here’s a snapshot of a writing exercise I recently learned at HippoCamp: A Creative Nonfiction Writing Conference that was held in Lancaster, PA.

  • Take one minute to write a list of all the things in your life you enjoy (think hobbies, TV shows, colors, etc.)
  • Then take another minute to write a list of all the things you know about (for instance, I know that I’ll be at Hersheypark this weekend, because I have tickets to a concert there).

See any connections? Pick out one thing you wrote down and recall a specific experience about that connection and write three sentences to start your story.You just might be surprised at the things you discover.

Relate to Your Customers

You’re the owner of a small coffee shop situated in the outskirts of Philadelphia-what on earth would you ever need writing skills for? Well, that’s just it. Have you ever written a catchy and creative message on the sign outside your shop to attract customers’ attention? That’s writing!

Good writing allows you to connect with your readers, whomever they may be. Think about personalizing emails to those who were eager enough to place their address on your email list. Gauge the personalities and habits of your buyers and use a tone that matches that in any piece of content you put out that reflects your business.

When you make a connection with your customers on a more personal level, the likelihood of them staying loyal to you skyrockets.

Good Grammar = Credibility

In this current state of digital communication, you can typically learn a lot about a business by reading about it online. Your website should convey the things you want people to know: Your hours, history, notes about your products and customer praise. That being said, one of the things that is sure to turn away potential clients is the use of poor grammar.

Think about it: You visit a website and the home page reads “Ours of Opration”. I’m personally not sure I could trust this company with my credit card information, even if I LOVE their products. Make sure to get a second or third set of eyes to read through any content you publish, whether it be on your website or printed promotional material.

It not only proves your credibility but also demonstrates that you took time and care into something you’re sharing with the world. If you need even more help, check out our blog of the grammatical mistakes you should never make.

Writing and storytelling is all about the events that get you to the emotional truth. And emotional truth is what will connect you deeper with your current and potential customers.  

So, even if you feel as though you haven’t “written” anything in recent years aside from a grocery list, try discovering this art of expression to really discover something deeper inside of yourself. 

Original version of this post can be found here.

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