Are you Ready to Change your Career? Are you Ready to Change your Life?

by Beata Staszkow July 30, 2016
July 30, 2016

Ready = Procrastination

Fear is natural

It will never be the right time

Act now

If you are getting ready for a big change, it is fair to assume you’re doing research. You probably have shelves full of books, folders full of printed out online articles, and as you haven’t made the leap yet or started to, you’re probably telling yourself you just need a little more time and then you’ll be ready.

This post explains what the concept of ‘being ready’ actually means.

‘Every job should scare you a little’ – Kevin Spacey

If you’re preparing to change career, the chances are preparation has morphed into procrastination. An excuse not to make the leap. Something you’ll do tomorrow or when you’ve done a little more research. There is only so much you can learn from reading about others experiences or discovering qualifications you need to switch careers. There comes a time when you actually have to set wheels in motion.

You probably have been telling yourself things like “I’m not ready”, or “it isn’t the right time”. Ask yourself honestly will you “ever be ready”, and “when is the right time?” The chances are you won’t be able to come up with an answer.

‘It’s not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write. What keeps us from sitting down is Resistance.’ Steven Pressfield, The Art of War.

Resistance is the yang to the yin of the dream. When you keep telling yourself you’re not ready, you’re just feeding Resistance or procrastination if you prefer.

Making the Career Change

Of course, the fear you feel is justified. It is a scary prospect making a significant change in your life. At the end of the day, the pressure is on, you probably feel your dreams and or reputation is on the line and about to be tested. At the end of the day, however, if you are working on something important, you’ll never feel ready.

Here are some good reasons to make a leap:

You can learn

Regardless of your age or whatever you’re planning to do, you can learn what you need to know on the job. If you’re a little older, you have great experience to fall back on. If you’re a little younger, you’ll have energy. Do not let lack of perceived skills be a barrier.

You’ll grow into the role

Most will tell you that when they started they were a mess and did not know anything. Then, after a while, everything fell into a place. Any reason why that isn’t going to happen to you?

Do you want regrets?

There is a very old question that says do you want to have a go and fail, or be left wondering what might have been? I think most people would choose the former.

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