6 Simple Principles of Website SEO Promotion in 2020

The success of SEO-promotion is the result of a step-by-step clear algorithm of actions, which ultimately must necessarily include analysis of the results and market monitoring. This is the first principle of effective business promotion in search engines and you must adhere to it if you do not just want to get into the TOP Google, but also hold onto your position. Here are six other principles that will be helpful in your business website promotion:

1. Define a vector for SEO promotion.

For this, it is necessary to highlight those areas of business/product categories that are currently relevant to promote.

Google Trends will help. Set keywords in the settings, look for patterns of change in demand, identify the most popular products and services, based on this, form your offer and strategy.

Remember that SEO promotion is a tool that works for the future. By its nature, the SEO process is long and gives the first results in an average of 4-6 months. This should be taken into account when studying the dynamics of demand and setting goals for specialists.

It often happens like this:

A large number of categories and subsections are added to the site, but for certain reasons, some of them are not filled with goods/content, are not optimized, etc. Due to the fact that sites are perceived as a whole and are indexed by search robots as a whole – they lose their rank due to the segment of pages that is not optimized. This becomes an obstacle to progress.

To avoid this, it is better to close irrelevant categories from search robots and users.

Skipping the stage of choosing priorities, owners get results that do not meet the goals of the business, do not bring the site into profit. As a result, many are disappointed in SEO and are stuck in the “SEO is dead” paradigm. Although it lives completely safe and works efficiently with the right approach.

The further steps take place on the side of the SEO specialist.

2. Niche analysis.

What is included in niche analysis?

2.1 Analysis of search results.

The results are viewed manually visually, and for analysis, services are used for SEO-audit, such as Netpeak Checker, Serpstat, Semrush, etc.

2.2 Search for direct and indirect competitors.

Direct – are in the TOP of search results and sell similar goods/services.

Indirect – are in the TOP of search results, but solve user problems in other ways.

2.3 Analysis of competitors in the TOP 10 Google.

What is checked during the analysis?

  • general indicators for niche leader sites (traffic, visibility, page size in the index);
  • site structure;
  • link profile of leading sites;
  • list of queries by which sites are ranked;
  • analysis of social factors affecting the rating (communication with social networks, reviews, etc.).

3. Website analysis

What is the site analysis done for?

To understand the current ranking picture and plan your promotion strategy correctly. In the course of these works, it turns out: how the search engine sees and perceives the site at the moment, how much traffic it receives, what technical errors adversely affect indexing, which can be improved to receive commercial traffic.

What kind of work does an SEO specialist do when analyzing a site?

  1. Checking the visibility of the site for requests of different frequencies and directions, by category in search engines.
  2. Analysis of the total number of key phrases by which the domain is ranked in the TOP-100 of the Google search engine.
  3. Search for technical errors: duplicate pages, service pages that are not closed from indexing.
  4. Checking site loading speed.
  5. Mobile-Friendly Compliance Analysis.
  6. Checking the structure of the site.
  7. Analysis of on-page optimization (availability and correctness of meta tags, headings and page structure).
  8. Analysis of the link profile of the site and the dynamics of changes.

    This stage helps to assess the front of the upcoming work.

Very often it is here that such questions are solved:

  • Is it worth changing the structure of the site?
  • Do I need to connect web developers to adapt the site to mobile devices?
  • to what extent do you have to add pages to expand the query pool for which traffic generation is necessary?

Compliance with this principle allows you to get away from unforeseen circumstances, emerging new works, additional time costs and, as a result, overpayments on the part of the customer. As a result, website promotion is easier to predict and effectively manage.

4. Analysis of key queries and the formation of a semantic core.

At the stage of working with key queries, the SEO specialist selects the queries that are most relevant to the site’s offers and business tasks.

It is this stage that determines whether you just get SEO promotion or effective SEO promotion, you will have a lot of traffic, or good sales, or both.

The SEO specialist selects keywords for promotion according to the following criteria:

  • business goals;
  • priority promotion by category;
  • Keyword frequency
  • competitive direction.

Here we are guided by another important principle of SEO promotion: it is important to understand not only how to promote projects, but also in which areas and requests. Here the SEO specialist turns into a marketer.

For example, if a specialist sees that a niche is very competitive and that it will be possible to reach the TOP in high-frequency queries only with high time costs and financial investments, you can choose a different promotion strategy:

  1. By low-frequency narrowly targeted key queries with a long “tail”. For example, “rent a one-room apartment for daily rent of lions + the name of the district.” It’s precisely these queries that get a high probability of conversion.
  2. For near-target key requests of interest to potential consumers. For example, “how to stay fit in the winter” to attract an audience to a sports club.
  3. That is, the choice of semantics (a set of key queries) is a kind of formation of an SEO strategy, on which the quality of the attracted traffic and sales dynamics will depend.

5. Changing the structure of the site for the selected semantic core.

After the SEO-specialist analyzed the competitors, determined the strategy of actions, selected and clustered the semantics, he needed to create a new structure of the site’s pages.

It will match keyword groups. Each cluster is a separate page. Words are grouped by meaning and subject.

Remove Zombie Pages

Zombie pages are the useless pages that display alongside the main pages of a website but do not contain the information that the visitors seek. These pages are irritating for the people looking for specific information and prove to be a cause of traffic loss for a website. The removal of Zombie pages plays a significant role in improving the ranking of a website and removing the Google penalty form it.

From this, we get another principle of SEO promotion. An integral part of the effectiveness of promotion is a clear, logical, ramified structure of the site that meets the requirements: ease of navigation and relevance to search queries.

6. Analytics setup

Tracking and analyzing attendance is an important block of work on the way to advancement.

For the customer, this is an opportunity to monitor the performance of the contractor.

For a specialist, this is:

  • a way to verify the correctness of the chosen strategy;
  • the ability to timely adjust the work plan;
  • quickly see changes in the external environment and respond to them (change of algorithms, hacking of the site, server shutdown, problems with hosting, etc.)
  • track behavioural factors and find problematic stages in the site’s funnel;
  • find new opportunities to improve site visibility and traffic.

What is included in the work on tuning analytics and audit?

  1. Setting analytics counters.
  2. Setting up communication with the services of Google Search Console, Yandex Webmasters.
  3. Set up events and goals.
  4. Set up views that are clean from developer visits.
  5. Set up an e-commerce counter to track e-commerce results.
  6. Setting up the Call-Tracking system (if necessary and by agreement with the client).
  7. Data Analysis: Customize your analytics using a Google Analytics Checklist.

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