Tag Archives: principles

4 leadership principles that drive company culture

June 01, 2024 4 leadership principles that drive company culture This tech cofounder and CEO calls them the “Four I’s”—instinct, integrity, intensity, and inclusion. Here’s how to cultivate the values they stand for. BY Ameesh Divatia There is a quote from leadership and company culture expert Larry Senn that says, “Culture is not an initiative. Culture … Continue reading 4 leadership principles that drive company culture

Procrastination is an emotional problem. Embrace healthy productivity with these 5 principles

  By Zapier February 03, 2024   Call it what you want—sustainable productivity, intentional living, healthy productivity: all of us want to be productive without burning ourselves out. But earlier this year, I was stuck in a pendulum swing between hustle culture and vilifying productivity. On the glorifying busyness side, I “utilized” every minute, and on … Continue reading Procrastination is an emotional problem. Embrace healthy productivity with these 5 principles

YouTube, Universal Music Group Announce Incubator, Principles For AI

YouTube, Universal Music Group Announce Incubator, Principles For AI by Laurie Sullivan  @lauriesullivan, August 21, 2023 YouTube has launched the YouTube Music AI Incubator program with artists, songwriters and producers from Universal Music Group, which supported the creation of three music principles based on generative artificial intelligence (GAI). The program combines some of today’s most … Continue reading YouTube, Universal Music Group Announce Incubator, Principles For AI

Little of Microsoft’s ‘principles for employee organizing’ is actually pro-union

Little of Microsoft’s ‘principles for employee organizing’ is actually pro-union The company doesn’t seem short on alternatives to collective action, however. B. Menegus @bryanmenegus June 2nd, 2022 POOL New / reuters Thursday afternoon, Microsoft’s president and vice chair Brad Smith penned a blog post outlining four “principles” the company would be adopting in response to … Continue reading Little of Microsoft’s ‘principles for employee organizing’ is actually pro-union

How to Achieve Effective B2B Social Selling – 4 Critical Principles

Jock Breitwieser May 17, 2021 Making meaningful headway with social selling is part science and part art form. Most that attempt to sell socially fail. The dismal success rate that most experience would make you believe that social selling is hard — but in truth, the opposite is true. Social selling is straightforward, so long … Continue reading How to Achieve Effective B2B Social Selling – 4 Critical Principles

The Core Principles of Conversion-Centered Design

Roie Raitses March 19, 2021 Knowing the technicalities of building a landing page isn’t in your job description as a marketer, executive or business owner. But having the ability to articulate what good design means can help you effectively communicate with your team to create high-converting marketing assets that maximize your return on investment (ROI). … Continue reading The Core Principles of Conversion-Centered Design