5 SEO Mistakes to Avoid

by Michael Wight November 21, 2015
November 21, 2015

SEO Blocks On A Smartphone

Consider yourself the master of SEO? Think again…

You might consider yourself a master of SEO tricks. But there are some mistakes that even accomplished SEO strategies fall into. Read ahead and discover the most common SEO mistakes. We will also point out how to quickly fix these SEO blunders.

Clinging to Keyword Stuffing

This long-held myth needs to be disregarded. It is a misconception that filling your content with the right keywords will automatically bring you a ton of visitors. Keyword density is not a magical metric; it is just one of the factors in an overall SEO strategy. High keyword density results in spam-y content that will drive away your users. Search engines perform span analysis, so use and select keywords wisely. Also keep usability in mind while creating your strategy.

Ignoring Schema Markup

Schema markup is a specific vocabulary that describes the data on your website. It is used by search engines for ranking and categorizing your content.
The markup structure was developed collectively by Google, Bing, Yandex and Yahoo and detailed usage and structure guidelines are available at the official website. Websites with schema markup rank higher in search results. Their introductory documentation clearly states that “the more content you mark up, the better.”

Accessibility and Missing Link

Failing to provide proper interlinking and links to Homepages can be a disaster for SEO. Proper links will allow search engine to crawl and access your content.

Best Practices that we recommend:

● Place a clearly visible search box
● Bread-crumbs or next/previous buttons
● Organized page hierarchy
● Avoid infinite loops in inter-linking
● Have diverse backlinks
● Use anchor text for internal links
● Do not slow down your homepage by linking to every other webpage

Using Low-Quality Content

Search engine rankings are user-focused. Relying on low-quality and/or plagiarized web content will hurt your visibility.
Ensure your website has high-quality content that is informative, original, and accurate. Good content will be linked to and shared across social media and the web.

Considering SEO as a Static Process

Making a good SEO strategy is not a one-time activity that you can set up and forget. It is a continual process that has to be tweaked and customized. Ranking algorithms change all the time – so does your competition as new sites are created all the time.
It’s worth it to stay ahead of the game and optimize frequently. Keep track of your metrics and KPIs, such as:

● Average time on-page
● Keyword rankings of your keywords – Use online tools such as Serpfox or Pro Rank Tracker.
● Pageviews
● Bounce Rate/Bounces
● Goal conversion Rates

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