5 Digital Media Facts to Be Aware of

Quick, name a recent online trend. If you’re drawing a blank then this post is for you. It is essential in the business world to know about the latest digital developments, so here are 5 surprising digital media facts to consider. Spend 4 minutes watching the video or read on for the tips.

Social media is fully saturated

Put another way, there is a lack of new adoption in social media. While 80% of Americans use social media in some form, this figure has declined each of the past two years. Social media use actually peaked in 2017.

Only one social media site grew in 2018

Twitter, Snapchat, and LinkedIn all lost users in 2018, but Facebook declined most of all. The only social media site that actually gained users in 2018 was Instagram, and this gain was a modest 3%.

People have left Facebook in droves

5 Digital Media Facts to Be Aware of

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Facebook’s decline has been especially precipitous, as the social media giant has lost 15 million users since 2017. A lot of this is due to privacy concerns and over-information, but another issue is the lack of interest among younger generations. In other words, nobody new is coming in to replace Facebook users who have left.

Almost a third of Americans listen to podcasts

Podcasts are an excellent source of entertainment on the go, and people are listening to more of them than ever. The percentage of Americans listening to podcasts has risen from 26% to 32% since 2018, and those who do listen consume an average of 7 podcasts each week.

65 million Americans own a smart speaker

Want to listen to music or a podcast while you cook dinner? Amazon Alexa has you covered. Prefer to make reservations for dinner out? Let Google Home handle it for you. Almost a quarter of the country now uses a smart speaker to help out around the house, and Amazon is dominating with at least twice the market share of Google.

Hopefully now that you’re aware of these trends you’ll have a better idea of where to focus your energy. While social media is still worth some of your time, it’s not cheap and is on the decline, so you may want to place most of your focus elsewhere.

Consider other ways of getting your message out there. While actually running a podcast can be quite an undertaking, being a guest on a podcast is also an option.

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Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Nicole Krug

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