38 FinTech Blogs and Services You Should Follow

July 17, 2016

38 FinTech Blogs to Follow

FinTech is a relatively young line of business, but for now, there are many resources which focus on financial technology or payments topics (and it’s still growing). To make it easy for you, we’ve put on a list the financial services and blogs that are worth mentioning.

Personal Blogs

Personal thoughts always have an interesting point of view, so it’s good to follow the people who are passionate about financial issues. These individuals offer mainly great analysis and insightful articles, unlike services with the little news. Here’s the list of people who are the leaders in the financial services industry.

1. Faisal Khan

faisal khan's blog

Here you can find the essential information about banking, payments, FinTech and e-commerce. Faisal Khan specializes in cross-border money transfer and payment systems. He calls himself a payments consultant and an evangelist for digital money (aka Bitcoins). He’s working with entrepreneurs, FinTech startups, mid-sized and huge companies, but also with banks and financial institutions.

2. Tom Groenfeldt

Tom Groenfeldt's Blog

The author has a wealth of experience in finance, banking, and technology, and now he writes for Forbes on these topics. In 2015, he was named one of the top 25 global finserv influencers. So, if you’re looking for insightful articles, you should add this blog to your list.

3. The Finance Buff

The Finance Buff Blog

The blog created by Harry Sit is a great resource for those who want to know the basics about finance, credit card payments, and also about saving. The author isn’t a professional financial specialist or financial advisor, but he creates simple posts for people who want to know how to invest their money or e.g. how to protect their account.

4. Jessica Elerm

jessica Ellerm's Blog

Here’s another blog with personal thoughts on the revolution of technology in the banking and payment industry. Jessica Elerm works in the Australian FinTech startup Tyro, but she is also a blogger, commentator and she writes for Brett King’s Breaking Banks, Daily FinTech, and Bank NXT. On Jessica’s blog, you’ll read mostly about FinTech, growth hacking, payments, and banking.

5. The Finanser

The Finanser Blog

Chris Skinner’s blog is all about the financial world. The author is one of the FinTech leaders that have been voted one of the most influential people in banking by The Financial Brand. He provides well-written articles and analysis with the insightful approach to finance and new technologies.

6. Payments Blogger

Payments Blogger

Payments Blogger run by John Doyle is a place where you can find the news and research about the global payments industry. The blog provides short and long-form content types with basic information, definition, as well as with high value-analysis and guest bloggers’ thoughts.

7. FiniCulture

FiniCulture Blog

It’s a blog created by Pascal Bouvier, a former French banker. He writes a few blog posts per month, and all of them are insightful, with the fresh look at the financial market. Here you can read about the integration of finance and technology, you’ll find pieces of advice for FinTech startups, and also some funny posts, such as The Alternative FinTech Lexicon.

Other Resources

Financial services deliver essential information from the industry (there are also many influencer’s thoughts), so you should add them to your list if you want to stay up-to-date with the FinTech news.

8. Finextra


Finextra is a place where you can find all essential news about banking, payments or startups. It also offers a newswire or global events calendar, and the site is a platform for guest bloggers (there’s a special Community section).

9. Finovate

Finovate Blog

The Finovate team has attended and spoken at banking and technology events for 20 years, and they have also been organizing conferences around the globe since 2007. The blog focuses on FinTech, banking, and financial services innovations, and you can find here the FinTech news and updates, interviews, roundups and more.

10. Visible Banking

Visible Banking

Visible Banking is a blog owned by Christophe Langlois, who worked in business development, in both telecommunications and banking. The author focuses mainly on social media in banking and financial services.

11. Credit Union Times

Credit Union Times

If you’re looking for information about credit union managements and the topics related to that, the Credit Union Times is a great source. Here you can find not only updated news about credit unions, but also expert technology coverage as well as statistical analysis.

12. The Financial Brand

The Financial Brand

The digital publication started in 2007 by Jeffry Pilcher, who is also one of the authors on the website. The Financial Brand focuses on marketing and strategy issues affecting retail banks and credit unions. It provides the financial and banking news with strategic analysis and real-world examples.

13. Accenture Banking Blog

Accenture Banking

Accenture’s blog is a resource with data interpreting and analyzing of articles. The blogging experts have a rich experience as regards to the banking industry, so you may be sure that they will provide insightful and high-quality articles.



A newswire focusing on the payments industry provides well-written news about online and mobile payments, but you can also find here webinars, research and articles written by experts, innovators and thought leaders. All posts are created mainly for e-commerce market.

15. Let’s Talk Payments

Let's Talk Payments

LTP, launched in 2013, delivers the news and research for the FinTech industry. The content is updated every day, and here you can find original insights, analysis, and resources for the FinTech community.

16. Mobile Payments Today

Mobile Payments Today

As you could guess, the platform provides the latest news around mobile payments. The topics are about card brands, contactless payments, EMV, security issues, mobile banking or trends and statistics.

17. Payments Source


PaymentsSource is a website where you can find payment news, trends and analysis as well as expert opinions. Lots of news are published in the sections, such as Regulation & Compliance, Risk & Analytics, Debit & Prepaid, Retail & Acquiring, Technology and Global.

18. bobsguide


Bobsguide provides the latest financial technology news and insights. There are articles, blog posts and insights from contributing editors. Also, you can find here a list of industry events.

19. ATM Marketplace

ATM Marketplace

ATM Marketplace is a hub for news, articles, insights and more about ATMs world. It’s a great source to watch as the technology in the financial industry is evolving.

20. Daily Fintech

Daily Fintech

Daily Fintech is a place created by FinTech entrepreneurs, where they can present financial companies, and publish interviews or insights and experts’ opinions. The website is updated on a regular basis.

21. IBM Insights on Business: Banking Industry

IBM Insights on Business: Banking Industry

IBM, as one of the technology leaders, delivers the insights and news for the banking industry. The content focuses mainly on new technologies, but you can find here some author’s thoughts, such as payments predictions for 2016.

22. Banking Exchange Blogs

Banking Exchange

Banking news and articles presented in sections with updates about community banking, technology, payments, risk and more. There’s also a blog section, where you can find Dan Fisher’s personal view and opinion on the banking industry.

23. Markets Media

Markets Media

Markets Media provides financial news with a focus on institutional trading and investing, but you can find here the latest information on banks, technology or regulators.

24. Bank Innovation

Bank Innovation

Bank Innovation was launched in 2009 and delivers information, news and blog posts for the banking industry. Beyond the latest news, you can find here also The FinTech Answerable section and contributor blogs.

25. Bank NXT

Bank NXT

A blog maintained by Backbase, and created for innovative financial professionals. The website provides the knowledge (exclusive content and reproduced blogs from experts) and creates a space for industry leaders’ community.

26. FinTech Hackers

Fintech Hackers

Looking for the FinTech growth hacks? On this blog, you’ll find the case studies from well-known FinTech companies. Also, you can get access to a free email course to learn how to build a growth strategy.

27. Tomorrow’s Transactions

Tomorrow's Transactions

The Consult Hyperion’s Blog is all about the development of technology in our everyday life. Here you’ll find banking and finance news, as well as technological and security issues.

28. PaymentEye

Payment Eye

The service keeps an eye on a payment market, and publishes the insights or analysis for professionals involved in the payments sector. On the website, you can also find information about upcoming events and the section with white papers.

29. Payments Card and Mobile

Mobile Payments News

If you’re looking for a hub for global payments news and research with up-to-date experts’ analysis and opinion, this website is for you. The digital publication covers every aspect of the payment business, so you can find here information about international cards or mobile solutions. There’s also a Conferences section with upcoming financial events.

30. Payments Views

Payment Views

Payment Views is a blog with insightful articles and analyses, but also with news and the wires. You can read the updates that the authors find the most interesting and useful, and on the home page you’ll find the best stories from the last seven days. You can also send your own story or press releases to share with payment professionals.

31. Talking Payments

Talking Payments

Here’s another website where you can find news about payments, insights, blog articles and upcoming events. Talking Payments brings together banks, acquirers, merchants, vendors and industry experts to share the news.

32. The Banker

The Banker

The history of The Banker starts in 1926, and for all these years the editorial team has built its great reputation. Here you’ll find a wide range of financial news, features, analysis, or interviews. As you would read on the website: The Banker is the key source data and analysis for the industry.

33. Fintech news on TechCrunch

Fintech topics on TechCrunch

If you read TechCrunch news regularly, you probably know that the service is a place where you can find mainly tech, social media or startup news. But there is also a section with insightful articles about FinTech world.

34. Fintech Weekly

Fintech Weekly

Fintech Weekly, created in cooperation with Bankverlag, is a typical website with roundups; so therefore, it’s a great source for those who are looking for the most interesting news from the previous week. Also, you’ll find here some information about top conferences you should attend if you are running a financial business would be found here.

35. Financial News

Financial News

Online daily news service is owned by Dow Jones & Company and provides the information about the investment banking, fund management, and securities industries. You’ll find here, the major news affecting the securities industry, as well as trends and top news about capital markets, fund management, information technology and recruitment.

36. Fintech Business

Fintech Business

The service was launched in 2015, and it’s focusing mostly on Australian FinTech community. But if you want to stay on top in FinTech industry, it’s worth knowing something about the market from other countries. FinTech Business delivers blogs and reports focusing on the key FinTech sectors, and legislation, regulation, or security issues.

37. Fintech Finance

Fintech Finance

Fintech Finance is a great resource for the FinTech companies. You’ll find here the latest news, infographics, insights and more. The content is updated on a daily basis.

38. FinTech Profile

Fintech Profile

The idea of the FinTech Profile is to track the startups and companies from the financial services industry. So, prepare not only for the FinTech news and insight articles, but also for financial companies presentation.

Do you want to add some other resources? Or maybe you also run a financial blog that is worth mentioning here? Let us know!

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