23 Ways to Overcome the Most Common Obstacles to Your Goals & Productivity

You deserve to check off those goals on your list. In order to accomplish those goals, you not only need proper planning but also the right approach. Undoubtedly, obstacles will arise to stand in your way and impede your progress.

You can learn how to boost your productivity even when times get tough. Accomplishing those goals will be much easier than you ever thought possible.

Here’s a guide to dealing with common obstacles to find this kind of productivity.

Addressing the Big Picture

This is where to start. Address any ambiguity or uncertainty around what you want to accomplish. If you can’t see the target, you won’t know if you’re close or if you hit it.

1. Define your goals and tasks

What are you actually looking to accomplish for your goals? You may have an idea of what you want to achieve, but you need to define exactly what your goals are.

What does your task list look like? What are the steps that you need to take to arrive at your destination? This will give you the direction you need.

2. Create milestones

In order to achieve your big goal, organize a series of milestones along the way. This will help you see how far along your path you are.

3. Set realistic deadlines

There’s nothing that can kill your energy like attempting to accomplish too much in a short period of time. All of us would love this kind of productivity but the reality is a lot of times we are limited. Give yourself room and time to achieve your goals.

23 Ways to Overcome the Most Common Obstacles to Your Goals  and  Productivity

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Avoiding Busywork

Staying busy doesn’t always equal productivity. Make sure that you are actually accomplishing things you need to get done.

4. Stop multitasking

Multitasking can actually slow you down. When you are trying to do more than one thing at once you are not giving your full attention to any of those things. Focus on one task at a time and do it well. Then move on to the next one.

5. Get organized

You can’t accomplish anything if you can’t find what you need to work on. Get organized physically in your space so that you can be organized mentally what you want to achieve. It helps to have a clean workspace and to organize your tasks either with a list or in your schedule.

6. Self-assess

Are you working on things that make you feel fulfilled and productive? Everything you are working on should provide value and help you feel as though you are moving forward, otherwise, it is just busywork.

Avoiding Distractions

Distractions mean poor productivity and more stress in terms of getting things done. You’ll want to create the right environment to keep yourself on-task as scheduled.

7. Create a workspace

Whether it’s a separate office or somewhere in your living room, create a space dedicated to working and productivity. When you enter the workspace, it can help put you in the right mindset.

8. Schedule breaks

Take regular breaks to give yourself a bit of distance from your work. However, be strict on making sure that you go back to work after the allotted time is up.

Handling Interruptions

Interruptions happen no matter what and they can derail your entire day despite your best attempts. When it comes to those interruptions, take them at face value and adapt as needed.

9. Focus on what you can control

Whether it’s a family emergency, a power outage or a pipe bursting, somethings things are simply beyond our control. Pick out what you can control in each situation and use that to guide you forward in your progress. Any small thing that you can work on is better than nothing.

10. Overbudget time

Account for interruptions and emergencies by giving yourself a little extra time on each task. That you aren’t automatically behind as soon as a small inconvenience comes your way.

Managing Other Responsibilities and Obligations

Sometimes it feels like your plate is overloaded. You can still experience high productivity and reach your goals.

11. Explore alternate solutions

Whether it’s a different time management system or breaking up your responsibilities in small tasks, make it work for your schedule.

12. Delegate or team up

If you can find ways to bring in other people to get things done, use that to help you out. Empower others and give them more responsibilities. Work with those around you.

Dealing with Lack of Information

Sometimes we just don’t know what to do about a situation or a task. Adapting to that will help you succeed.

13. Don’t sweat the details

You don’t need all of the answers nor do you need to know all the details to make progress. No one is perfect so don’t think that you always have to know everything.

14. Learn as you go

If you don’t know every single detail, you can pick them up along the way. You’ll avoid procrastination when it comes to your tasks. Part of success is learning and you will have the opportunity to learn as you move forward.

15. Take risks to grow

No risk, no reward. Take risks and enjoy the growth that they bring. This will help You expand your horizons and experience for the next challenges that you take on.

Overcoming Mood

Your mood will impact how successful you are, so do what you can to make sure that you are as positive as possible.

16. Identify what’s affecting your mood

When you understand what you’re feeling, this can help you identify the right tools to address your mood. Are you hungry? Tired? Dehydrated? All of these can affect your mood.

17. Focus on what you can control

It may not be easy to realize but you have more control than you think you do. You can address your mindset. If you take action, even on something small, you can move forward. Small wins help.

18. Sunlight

Reduced sunlight may reduce serotonin, which affects mood. When we have access to natural light, we’re more motivated to stay positive and get to work. Take breaks and get out in the sun at least once a day.

19. Nature

Getting out in the world and breathing fresh air can help boost your mood even after a hard day. Research has shown and strong correlation between the amount of time spent in nature and the reduction in stress and anxiety.

Maintaining Energy

Need a little boost to get you through the day? Some of us find that we don’t have the energy to get through a full day’s worth of tasks. These can help you make the most out of your energy.

20. Exercise

Exercising regularly helps with blood flow and gives our bodies natural energy. It’s also been linked to boosting serotonin levels.

21. Find optimal times

We all have certain times when we work best. It’s better to work on more involved tasks when you have more energy or you feel highly motivated. Experiment and see when those times are.

22. Fuel your body

Stay hydrated and eat healthy food to give yourself the nutrients that will provide you with physical energy.

23. Rest well

Getting enough sleep is critical to allowing your body time to recuperate and give you the energy you need for the next day. Sticking to a consistent sleep schedule has been linked to better sleep quality.

Take Control

There will be obstacles and there will be interruptions in your daily life. Be encouraged and realize that you have the ability to take control of your situation. This way whatever obstacle you encounter won’t become overbearing, grinding everything to a halt. You can pave a productive path to your goals.

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