11 Digital Marketers You Will Meet In The Office

April 14, 2016

Technology is a limitless world. And the people who live there are as diverse and different as the ideas they pour in the virtual realm. That is also what makes the digital world what it is: forward looking, filled with vision, and innovative.

Digital marketers know that they are moving in a world they can’t control or hold back. They have to catch up if they don’t want to get left behind. This is why a tour of their workplace would introduce you to different types of digital marketers, all on their toes. From data to content, website development to social media engagement, and branding to making profit, every digital marketer is different.

If you plan on joining a digital marketing agency, here is a glimpse of who you will meet and work with. Or if you ever work in one, what kind of marketer are you?

The Data Nerd


Photo courtesy of gratisography via Pexels

Analytics is a crucial part of digital marketing. The data geeks delight themselves in statistics and numbers. They are obsessed with key performance indicators (KPIs) and other tools to measure the success of a campaign across different platforms. They analyze audiences and their actions. What do the “likes” mean? They monitor movements in the industry and how this will affect the overall strategy.

The Visual God


Photo courtesy of Ovan via Pexels

A blog post without an HD photo? Never tell that to the visual god. Humans, 65% of them according to a research, are visual learners, and digital marketers obsessed with visually-stimulating content know that all too well. These are the people who love sharing pictures online, prefer infographics over slideshare, fancy a video tutorial over a list of how-tos, and would go for a funny meme over a worded post.

The Social Media Master

We all have that one friend that tells us who offers the tastiest burgers, which brand of lipstick is the best, or what book to read next. Trust that friend to be on social media. A 2014 study showed that 93% of shoppers’ buying decisions are influenced by social media because 90% trust peer recommendations. And because everyone is on social media and all marketers have made this into a big battlefield, social media masters in digital marketing agencies have to always up their game. To be successful in social media marketing, they have to constantly engage followers, respond to feedback, and aspire for virality and relevance. These are the people who constantly monitor page boosts and are obsessed with their competitors’ performance on social media platforms.

The Wordsmith


Photo courtesy of startupstockphotos.com via Pexels

These people have a way with words. They have a hashtag for every campaign. Count on them to give the best spin to every piece of content. Their favorite social network is probably Twitter where they can be all smart with just 140 characters.

The Multiscreen Operator


Photo courtesy of Tranmautritam via Pexels

Is it true that the new iPhone is already out? This type of digital marketer will walk past you with that particular device on hand. He is like a beta tester. He has every new gadget. And since millennials are known to be multiscreen users (i.e. sending an email while watching TV), this guy totally understands the psyche. Every time you see him, his face is down on a device, and he would always leave you wondering how he does it.

The Old School Marketer


Photo courtesy of Dave via Flickr

It doesn’t hurt to have an old school marketer in the digital world. These are the people that keep offline and online experiences separate. And that is not exactly a bad thing because while the platforms change and evolve, the principles of marketing remain the same. These are the people that have in their list of must-read books for digital marketers the history of marketing, psychology of audiences, and the secret behind conversion and persuasion.

The Rockin’ Designer


Photo courtesy of janeb13 via Pixabay

Design is an essential part of digital marketing. They create user experience designs that go beyond aesthetics and ease of use. They improve the overall feel and flow of a website or an app. They make the experience easy, fun, and interesting for users. They are those people who will randomly ask anyone in the office about a color or to test a navigation tool as soon you walk past them.

The In-house Author

This digital marketer can write amazing content in under an hour. Mostly quiet and a little snobbish, the go-to writer is highly productive, creative, and might correct you on grammar usage once or twice. She’s not being mean, just a force of habit. She knows how to use words and kills every headline.

The Apprentice


Photo courtesy of Ovan via Pexels

Every digital marketing agency has a young and willing learner. This novice looks upbeat and excited. He obsesses over everything—data, content, visuals, social media, etc. He is like the resident sponge that takes in everything.

The Boss


Photo courtesy of freestocks.org via Pexels

He is the one who makes sure strategies are aligned with brand objectives. The Boss makes sure everyone delivers and delivers on time. He is the one who is crazy over editorial calendars and deadlines. He wants an update on the effectiveness of a campaign every so often. He has the final say and keeps everyone motivated.

The Megaphone

He is the self-appointed megaphone of the boss, constantly reminding everyone about the responsibilities of digital marketing agencies and the people who work for them. He could either be really annoying or really funny. He casually asks out loud: how many views have we hit or how many shares did that photo get. He also more or less would not care if he gets a response. He is after all, just asking or just saying.

The different types of digital marketers are what make the digital world interesting. It is their personality, ever varied and diverse, that reflects on every piece of content that they offer. With the right mix of fun, information, authority, and chill, content will surely take off and land where you want it.

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