Why Your Small Business Needs A Marketing Calendar

December 14, 2014


Why does your small business need a marketing calendar? A marketing calendar is one of the best ways to stay on top of your marketing and promotional efforts. A marketing calendar makes sure that your business is taking advantage of all upcoming press opportunities, selling occasions, trending events and more. It is all about keeping your business visible with new and creative ways to promote it to potential customers.

Why Your Small Business Needs A Marketing Calendar image marketing calendar for 2015.png

I have just launched my Marketing Calendars for January 2015 for the following types of small businesses:

  • Marketing Calendar for Restaurants
  • Marketing Calendar for Photographers
  • Marketing Calendar for Real Estate
  • Marketing Calendar for Retail Shops
  • Marketing Calendar for Online Shops/Ecommerce

For each day of January 2015, I give you three marketing tasks to do (93 total!) customized to your industry, plus room to fill in your own. Each calendar is a 17-page PDF ($ 10). Below I have pulled a few examples of the tasks from each calendar:

Marketing Calendar for Restaurants

  • Comment on and like 10 photos on Instagram for #foodporn
  • Update profile on Yelp with photos of latest winter menu items
  • Comment on 5 recent posts on blogs food lovers read, such as The Kitchn
  • Post a photo on Instagram for #NationalSpaghettiDay (January 4th)

Marketing Calendar for Photographers

  • Submit a photo to GoPro.com for their Photo of the Day
  • On January 1st Instagram out photos tagged #FirstPhotoof2015
  • Answer questions or join in discussions on Houzz.com about photography
  • Pin or repin 5 photos on Pinterest of “Photoshop Fails”

Marketing Calendar for Real Estate

  • Tweet out any new listings using #realestate & city hash tag (i.e. #Seattle)
  • Submit a listing to HookedonHouses.net’s “For Sale” feature
  • Add a solar light to all home signs so passersbys can see at night
  • Comment on and heart 10 Instagram photos that are tagged #realestate

Marketing Calendar for Retail

  • Follow and like all customers on FourSquare that gave favorable review of shop
  • Promote Super Bowl products or specials on Facebook with $ 5 ad targeting people in area
  • Design a winter theme sandwich board sign and place down the street from shop
  • Encourage customers to Instagram photos of purchases for 10% off (tagged with shop name)

Marketing Calendar for Ecommerce/Online Shops

  • Post 10 products to Wanelo & follow 3 top posters
  • Comment on 5 online Valentine’s Gift Guides
  • Create an Amazon Listmania List (include a few of own products)
  • Make a mosaic of products in shop using Pic Stitch app & post to Instagram with hash tag #PicStitch

Use my daily tactics to increase your visibility and drive more customers to your business!

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